Over the weekend I felt inspired to do a good, old-fashioned styling session on Instagram stories. However, some of you folks are like me, and don’t have the patience for a million little dots of IG stories, haha. So please consider this the blog post version, with reflective insights!
I recently purchases these pants after I was wooed by the faded green color and carefree, Big Pant Energy. I don’t know what’s happening to me, but suddenly I am feeling very interested in wearing clothes that people younger than me normally wear. Now, I am no spring chicken, but I don’t mind getting older. However, I have always, always been a sucker for trends. In fact, I still remember the time and the place I first smelled the roses in regards to trends. I was in the 6th grade and in my school gym, practicing volleyball. And I realized that big, tall, athletic socks were cool. In fact, two pairs of socks stacked up your legs were cool. And further, the cool girls were wearing socks with double stripes around the tops. It truly was like a light went on. All of a sudden I could see patterns of clothing around me, patterns that communicated I’m cool, I’m laid back, I’m interesting, etc. and I wanted a part of it.
My relationship with trends has been on and off over the years. I am typically a late adopter but, once I convert, I love them because they feel fresh, updated, fun and interesting.
Now, I find myself sitting in colliding factors: my work puts me front and center of observing fashion and trends each day AND the current trend cycle we are in is squarely from my youth. The former means I am coming across trends sooner and with more frequency, which means I am basically being conditioned to like them more quickly and more often. I’m not mad about this, it’s just interesting. The latter is dangerous. Nostalgia is a powerful drug right? And seeing Dr. Martens, baggy jeans, faded hues, oversized sweatshirts, embroidered t-shirts and everything else from when I was young makes me want to snap it right up. Emotion is a powerful motivator for spending money. Further, in addition to the nostalgia, I feel a sense of entitlement, or ownership over the 90’s trends because ‘I wore it the first time around.’ I am not saying any of this is a solid reason for blindly supporting trends, but instead I am getting a better understanding of why the current trends have such a hook on me (and maybe you too).
Wearing things that make me feel young and happy is a lot of fun. My latest victim? Pleated pants. This is why you’re here, and thank you if you made through my epic prologue.
Here’s how I styled my pleated pants:
1. White Tee + White Huaraches

I prefer to experiment with ‘the basics’ first when I’m styling an item. I love this shade of green because it goes so well with white, and I have more white shirts than any other color in my closet. The huaraches complete the vibe, and they certainly lend an 80’s vibe to this look.
2. Screenprint Sweatshirt + Brown Dr. Martens

I took this inspiration straight from the reviews on the Free People website. A reviewer posted a photo of these pants with a graphic sweatshirt and I super love the effortless feel of it.
I chose brown shoes for this outfit because I am trying to step outside “safe” or “expected” outfit choices. For me, the expected choice would have been black shoes, because black top. However I stretched and opted for the brown shoes, and I think it makes a much deeper and richer outfit.
3. Romantic Blouse + Woven clogs

I wish I would have taken a picture of the backside of this one, it was so pretty! It’s no surprise that adding a pretty blouse and tall clogs makes a cute outfit with these pants. I love that this is a very texture-rich look.
4. Jean Jacket + Platform Boots

My last try on was with my oversized jean jacket. This works well with the baggy pants because the jacket is large, but semi-fitted to my body. Though a big, bulk coat might be cool too. But maybe a little bolder than I am usually looking for. Speaking of bold, these pants and boots definitely make a statement together. I hope I am bold enough to pull it off IRL soon!
Use code ANDREAHARTMAN25 to save 25% on the jean jacket.

Really quickly, at the end of the style session, I took off the jacket and swapped in black sneakers. I really like this one too!
Other ideas: These pants would also be cute with:
-> A blazer and black flats!
-> A crewneck sweater and clogs.
-> An oversized t-shirt and leather sandals.
-> With a crop tee and a shirt worn as a jacket (like the Chelle Top).
Sizing notes: I bought these pants in a Small, Long. I was worried about the inseam on the regular being too short. It’s listed as 25.75″, but I realized I didn’t account for the dropped crotch. So the longs are pretty long. I rolled mine 2x, and decided I prefer the look of them this way.
Overall, I’m really impressed at the versatility of these pleated pants. And I’d be a bad style writer if I neglected to mention they come in FIFTEEN colors. My spring style Pinterest board is full of pleated pants, and I am excited to be styling them. Everlane is coming out with an updated pair of pleated chinos later this month, if you’re looking for a slightly less casual style (ie. beltloops instead of drawstrings). I’ll keep you posted on those.
1. Tucking is key, it helps bring shape and balance. Even with bulkier items you might not normally tuck.
2. Choose interesting shoes. These pants are great for highlighting fun kicks.
3. Mindset matters, embrace the change. Let go of certain figure highlighting aspects you normally have of clothes.
4. Have fun and enjoy comfy + adventurous pants!
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Ahhh I love them! I totally get your explanation that trends from OUR childhoods are back…it has been a really fun time as a result! It also gives me trend clarity: I’ve seen it all before so it’s easy for me to sort out the trends I love from the trends I’ll skip!
Ooooo, that’s SUCH a great point!!