Summer |

99 Days of Summer (Outfits)

Two recent life ‘shifts’ are leading me to do something a little different on the blog this summer.

School is officially out, which means my kids are in my house, in my living room, in my kitchen and frankly they need my attention. Heading into the summer, like most working moms, I try to figure out how I can manage my workload and my children at the same time. In years past I’ve resolved to get up early or work late into the night or try to find some sort of child care. This summer I’ve decided I want to work a little less so I can spend more time with my kids, and not worry so much about producing so much content for the blog.

The other shift has been in my thoughts toward the blog. I’ve been doing this for a little over four years now and, honestly, some months I feel like I just don’t have anything new to say. When it comes to styling, keeping a slim wardrobe and clothing industry ethics, sometimes I feel like I’ve said it all. I wouldn’t call it burn out, more like I’m just in a season where I’m less inspired.

But one thing I do love is connecting with you guys here in this space and reading little glimpses into your lives and wardrobes. And I love sharing what I’m wearing. It’s almost like, did the outfit really happen if I didn’t share it on the blog?

Recently, I was reading over at Goblin Shark and Renée shared something that really inspired me. She started a project of recording and sharing 100 outfits for 100 days. Basically, each day she shares a quick post of what she’s wearing along with some brief thoughts, and that’s it. The idea struck a chord with me because I like the idea of creating less ‘produced’ content and more ‘in the moment,’ real-time content. Plus, it just sounded FUN.

I love a good, long-format blog post, but for the summer, I am going to try a different approach. Today, I’m kicking off a new series called 99 Days of Summer Outfits. My goals are: to post quickly and frequently, stay connected to this space over the summer, flex creative muscles, and challenge myself to build good outfits. In my mind, it seems like a lighter workload then I’ve been keeping up with on the blog (short, frequent posts, verses, longer format posting) but I could be wrong. Only time will tell.

I realize this (casually sharing outfits) is not a new concept, Grechen has been doing it for years, and many successful Instagrammers do this as well. But the concept feels refreshing and fun for me, and I hope you will like it too. You can still expect to see a few longer format posts over the summer as I continue to work with and support my favorite brands.

I am not keen on spamming your inboxes, so I probably won’t send out the daily email. But you know where to find me if you need me!

For now, let’s get to the first outfit, this is what I am wearing TODAY, right now, as I write this post.

Linen Tank (40), Paloma Wool | Cove Pants (M) in Oatmeal Linen, c/o Only Child | Lark Sandals, c/o Beek | Fisherman Tote, Esby | Medallion Necklace, Missoma

I’m wearing head to toe linen today, which is my best mechanism for dealing with hot weather. We’re in a mini heat wave right now, and these kinds of garments mean I’m actually enjoying it. I have a feeling these pants will be pretty clutch for me this summer. They’re nearly as cool as shorts, but I feel a lot less ‘exposed’ and more polished. (Today, I had to take one of my kids to the doctor and for some reason whenever I do that, I feel like I need to make sure and dress like a grown up. Sometimes I still don’t feel grown up enough to be the mom of three grade-school-aged kids!)


A few of my favorite people are doing something similar this summer! My best gal pals Paige and Jaana are doing their own versions of the 99 Days of Summer challenge, you can find Paige here: blog + Instagram, and Jaana here: blog + Instagram. We’ll all be using the hashtag #99daysofsummerstyle when posting on Instagram so this link will have all of our posts mixed together.

See you back here tomorrow!

17 thoughts on “99 Days of Summer (Outfits)

  1. This is good news! More posts and lots outfits! Also I feel the same way whenever we go to the Doctors, like I need to look grown up, like a “good” parent. Ha ha. Hope your kiddos are well. :-)

  2. I’m very excited for this series, Andrea! I love a good “in real time” outfit post!

  3. I love this idea! Day-to-day outfits + thoughtful essays on complex topics are my two absolute favorite types of blog content. I’m most inspired when I see how people wear things in their real lives: it usually gives me the best styling ideas and helps me do more with a limited closet.

  4. Oh my, I am so excited for this!! You three are my favorite bloggers to follow, and so this obviously makes me super happy! Love this look, by the way, linen all the way!!

  5. I’m looking forward to this series, Andrea! I’ve got a similar pair of linen pants in a similar color, so I’m very interested to see how you style yours this summer!

    1. Yay!! I think I will be wearing them a lot, so hopefully I will be able to give you lots of ideas! Love how I feel when I wear them…

  6. I love the idea of the series! And I dig the outfit. The company I work for (shout out! has some really great items made from organic linen and organic cotton. Linen is one of those fabrics I didn’t know I loved until I tied some on at work, but it’s been an exciting discovery! It creates a whole new world of summery options.

  7. More Seasons&Salt content these months? Well, where do I sign?
    Ha! I love the idea, and I am willing to see your posts. I normally find much inspiration from your outfits, so it is a win win!
    Does this mean, though, there will be less of Weekly Rundowns?
    Hope not!
    Have a great summer, Andrea!

  8. I love this idea! Have been burnt out on the long form posts on my own blog so your short daily posts inspire me. I prefer blogs over Instagram but still sometimes just want the brief post! Looking forward to all the posts throughout the summer!

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