Weekly Rundown |

the Weekly Rundown: ‘Sharenting’ and Madewell’s Fair Trade Denim

Seasons and salt blog

There is so much good stuff to read on the internet this week guys! Here are a few articles I’ve been spending time on:

‘Sharenting’ – are we sharing too much about our kids online? This article explores the idea that we are giving our kids an online footprint without their permission, and potentially without weighing it against future consequences.

Did you see that Madewell and J.Crew launched Fair Trade denim collections? As this article in Forbes says, it indicates that mainstream brands are starting to get on board with ethical fashion. Also of note: J.Crew Corp (parent company of Madewell) is using the same denim factory in Vietnam that Everlane uses. J.Crew Corp says later this year they plan to nominate more factories they work with to the Fair Trade program, covering all costs involved. Good stuff!

Longtime ethical fashion blogger Grechen weighs in on using privilege for good when it comes to making real change in the sustainability arena.

The city of Berkley is making a dramatic shift in it’s approach to reduce the use of single-use plastics. Theirs is one that the rest of us should consider following: reduction>recycling. This article notes that an astonishing 9% of plastics actually get recycled.

A fascinating read on the ‘ethics’ of leather, and an answer to the long held question: Is leather truly a byproduct of the meat industry?

Jess’s 10 tips for thrifting like a boss are excellent if you like the thrill of the hunt. Her golden rule (listed under #3) is something that has saved me more than once from buying the wrong thing.

Did you see Nisolo’s BOGO 30% off sale?

I’ve been spending a lot more time on Pinterest these days as a place to inspire my creative eye. If you want to follow along, you can find me here.

6 thoughts on “the Weekly Rundown: ‘Sharenting’ and Madewell’s Fair Trade Denim

  1. Hi Andrea!
    As always, I am looking forward to some solo time while the rest is still sleeping to sip my morning tea with your Weekly Rundown, it has become a tradition of mine!
    Particularly, this week I have enjoyed specially the piece on sharenting and Grechen’s blogpost.
    Thanks for sharing!

    1. Hi Alejandra, that is one of the nicest comments I’ve ever received. I’m so honored to play a small part in your morning routine. Agree with you on those posts, the two of them have been very thought-provoking for me this week!

  2. My husband and I are new parents, and we had this discussion about posting pics online of our son. We came to the conclusion that we wouldn’t show his face or write personal posts about him/his behavior etc etc. It seems more fair to not post these things to the world without their permission. Also, I feel that so many parents are depriving their child of their own privacy. Of course I understand now how hard it is! You want everyone to see how adorable your baby is lol! But for now I think we will opt out of creating a social media press for him without his consent.

  3. I loved the thought-provoking article about leather. I was really moved by the conclusion statement: “Humans are a part of Europe’s ecosystem now, and we have a duty to act responsibly as predators to keep the ecosystem in balance. We cannot abdicate that responsibility because of our squeamishness about the circle of life.” I think you can say that balance is important in anything we do. We tend to swing the pendulum too far either way.

    1. Yes, that is such an interesting perspective. I agree, it must be our human-ness that makes us want to swing too far in either direction.

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