Fall |

Successful Layers


Happy post-holiday week to ya!

We all had a long stretch off work and school, and it was fabulous to be off our regular routine. I definitely ate too much, shopped a bit, watched some good TV and spent lots of time with family. It was a great way to enjoy Thanksgiving.

But this week it’s back to life, back to reality. Back to 5:30 A.M. alarm bells and regular school, work and writing schedules.


[ striped dress | turtleneck | jeans (similar w/distressing + similar w/o distressing) | booties (similar for less) | bag ]

I’ve mentioned a few times how much I struggle with dressing in layers. (Too many elements to coordinate!)

But I think I pulled it off here. It works for me because the shapes are streamlined and the layers don’t feel fussy. I styled this dress over jeans in the summer but I wasn’t sure I could make it work in colder weather. I find it’s really easy to style outfits when you can have an open-toed shoe or a cute pop of ankle. But when the weather is in the 40’s, my ankles like to stay warm. This time the slim jeans, and slim-ankled boots help the leg line look proportionate when layered with the long, wider silhouette of the dress.

In general, when it comes to layers, it’s helpful when I try on various configurations ahead of time. Which tights work with which dresses? Which chunky cardigans work with which style of jeans? As I step into the waters of new denim silhouettes (straight and wide), I am experiencing a styling learning curve. Studying my proportions ahead of time helps keep me from being stymied in the moment. If I don’t, I end up just sticking to my safe zone of a cropped pullover sweater or sweatshirt. What about you – do you have any tricks for successful layering?

And on a very honest note, I am really struggling with a case of ‘the wants’ lately. I never seem to be satisfied, there is always one more thing that I think I need. Deep down, I know the truth is that satisfaction will never come unless I am intentional about it. There will always be one more thing turning my head. The fix is how I react to my ‘wants.’ Do I mull them over and spend too much time window shopping online? Am I giving too much mental space to the unimportant? Perhaps there is a better way. I love Laura’s retail recess, it is inspiring. This week I’ll be thinking through I how I can make a mental shift away from entertaining my ‘wants’ all the time.


16 thoughts on “Successful Layers

  1. Love those boots! Layering is my jam! Sometimes I find summer and spring harder for me as far as dressing goes because I have a hard time feeling comfortable with less layers one – true story. It can be difficult not to feel bulky or bunched up, though. I find that I have a few uniforms when it comes to layering. Things I know work for me and feel comfortable and sophisticated with making me look or feel like a blueberry.

    I love the idea of the retail recess, and truth be told I could probably use one as well.

  2. Love this look on you Andrea! You rock that duster lady. :)

    And thank you for mentioning my retail recess in your space — feeling rather honored!! :)

  3. That last part really spoke to me. I’ve been eyeing the Utility jacket from Seamly, and then it went on sale…do I need the jacket? Why do I want it? Will I really wear it? What if it doesn’t fit me right?! 😵

  4. Hi there,
    I just spent the last two weeks (off and on, of course) browsing every single post you’ve ever created and now that I’m done, I felt it necessary to say hi. I’m so glad I found your blog – I love your style, I love your hair (even though you don’t seem to like it based on various comments you’ve made; however, I definitely think you should do a tutorial one day!), and I love your Weekly Rundowns! I don’t mean to sound like a creeper/stalker – I seriously just wanted to express my admiration for your approach to all things fashion.
    Now excuse me while I go through withdrawal :)

    PS I’d love to see you style your Steven Alan skirt for fall/winter – I always have problems with skirts in the ‘darker’ seasons.

    1. Hi Jessica, you are so great to share this!! ;) I’m glad you’re here and it means a lot to me that you’ve been through the blog cover-to-cover. Ha!

      GREAT idea on the Steven Alan skirt. Will style that very soon!!!

  5. I also have a bad case of the wants. Stress often does that to me and couple stress and weight gain and I am doomed! Unfortunately, the weight gain justifies the new purchases, but it is a fine line between “want” and “need”. Love your booties in this post, and you are rocking the layers!

    1. Stress gives me the wants too!! It’s like going to a ‘blankey’ or something! So funny how our minds work. Thank you for the kind words. Good luck with navigating what and when to add. You are so mindful, I know you’ll do a great job!

  6. Oh, wow! I absolutely LOVE this on you! It’s so simple, yet makes such a statement and is so…you! And I love how easy layering season makes working with a small wardrobe, but it definitely requires more thought. If I don’t plan an outfit ahead, I rarely create creative layered looks on the fly.

    1. Thanks girl, that means a lot coming from you!!

      You make a great point, layering IS easier with a small wardrobe. I hadn’t thought of it that way, but it’s true.

  7. When I get the wants it’s usually because I’m craving something that’s not 100% practical and planned out. So I go to the thrift shop with three rules. Does it fit? Can I wear it with something in my closet? And most importantly, do I love it? And if/when I find it, I buy it! It’s rarely more than $5 and it’s all about moderation in life, right 😉

    1. What a great idea Kaci. And you nailed it! When I get the wants, and I give in, I often end up returning the item because it wasn’t planned out, and therefore doesn’t fit well with my wardrobe. That’s a really good thing to keep in mind!

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