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Blogging Year One : How to Grow Your Audience

How to Grow Your Blog Audience

Last month after I hit my one-year anniversary, I began to mull over a new series to share on the blog. I have learned so much in the last year about creating a blog, connecting with readers, focusing on my niche, sharpening my photography, expanding my creativity, the list goes on. One of my favorite topics to read about are blogging tips and insights from other bloggers. Since I love sharing what I’ve learned with others, I thought this series was a natural fit. Now, if you’re not a blogger, and this isn’t your thing, no hard feelings. You are welcome to skip these monthly posts in favor of the style-related content that I usually publish. ;)

In the world of blogging, Seasons + Salt is still very young but it seems natural to share what I’ve learned thus far since it’s so fresh in my mind. I do so humbly with the hope of encouraging and inspiring anyone who is just getting started.

The first topic I would like to dive into is how to grow your audience, for your blog specifically. I will focus on expanding your social media reach in my next installment. This is a question I have gotten asked many times over by others who are starting a blog or curious friends and family: how do you get people to read your blog?

1. Create quality content 

Think quality over quantity. When I first started, I used to have a rigid publishing schedule and, unfortunately, sometimes I found myself publishing just to publish. Don’t make that mistake. Publish with purpose and publish because you have something to say and share. Write from your heart, and then go back and edit. And then have someone else edit. My husband edits every single post for me – every writer needs a second set of eyes. Even then, we still miss some things. Be ruthless about your imagery. Take original photos as much as you can. It’s amazing what you can do with your iPhone and some VSCO presets. Often, your visuals are what draw people in. I plan to share a photography tutorial later in this series.

I recently read something by Jeni Elliott of The Blog Maven that stuck with me. She wrote about the importance of producing ‘evergreen content,’ or content that has staying power, and is applicable long after it’s published. It’s great to express yourself in your blog – and I do a lot of that, I think it helps connect me to my readers. BUT, it’s also smart to consider, ‘what’s in it for them?’ What are they going to gain by reading my blog?

2. Be consistent.

In number one, I talked about the importance of not getting hung up on a rigid publishing schedule, but that needs to be balanced with consistency. I aim for a rule of thumb – about 3-4 posts per week, but I don’t post something just to meet the goal. Quantity and consistency are not the same thing. Set your ‘rule of thumb’ and stick to it as best you can, but don’t sacrifice quality for quantity.

As you’re brainstorming your content, you may have a bunch of ideas for posts all at once, but roll them out weekly, bi-weekly, whatever your publishing goal is. This will help manage your readers’ expectations and build their desire to keep coming back.

3. Get social.

Promote yourself on your social media channels, but use social media the way it was originally intended to be used: socially. Spend time reading what other people post and comment on it. And if someone takes a few moments out of their precious day to comment on your social media content, do your darnedest to make sure you reply! If they compliment you, thank them. If they ask you a question, answer it. Same for your blog. Always authentically engage when you can. People are giving their time to be a part of your online community, honor that.

4. Know there will be crickets in the beginning and be okay with that.

A book title comes to mind: A Long Obedience in the Same Direction. It’s a book about discipleship by Bible teacher Eugene Peterson, and I think the same principal applies here. Blogging is truly a long obedience in the same direction. You keep pouring yourself into it. It takes discipline and commitment, and eventually you see the fruits of those labors. I’ve been at this for a little over a year now and I feel like things are finally starting to “take off.” I’ve grown an audience (which takes time) and I’ve built relationships with independent designers, ethical shops and responsibly produced brands. All things that have taken slow, but steady TLC on my part. It is rare to become a blogging sensation overnight. Especially now, with a very saturated marketplace.

5. Network with other bloggers in your niche.

Get to know other bloggers. Your biggest mistake is to view them as competition – they are your allies. Together you are a bigger force than apart. Get to know them, share ideas, scratch each other’s backs. Collaborate on new ideas. Launch a blog series where you refer to each other’s pages. Create a private FB group together where you can hash out ideas, talk specifics, money, critique each other’s work (when requested) and cheer each other on.

I recommend you build relationships with bloggers who are near your level in terms of experience and reach, as you’re more likely to build a relationship that is not one-sided.

Seasons + Salt Blogging Tips

Remember, slow and steady wins the race.

12 thoughts on “Blogging Year One : How to Grow Your Audience

  1. Wonderful post, Andrea. I always appreciate these kinds of posts, because it shows that a blogger wants to help others succeed too! The new site looks great as well!

    1. Thanks so much Stacy, I appreciate your eye, so that means a lot!

      It is really fun to write about blogging. I am eager to share more! :)

  2. Such great tips :) It really strikes me about the images. I think 5 years ago, you go develop as you grew, but now there is so much competition out there and readers (my self inclusive) are more and more demanding.

    1. I agree Johanne! The blogging world is a completely different place than it was five years ago. Everyone’s standards are so high! (Including my own!)

  3. Such great tips Andrea! Congrats on the new blog look too, it’s fresh and inviting all while making your wonderful content stand out beautifully! xo

  4. I am just starting out and I think these are all great tips! I’ve been reading your blog for months so it is super interesting to see what you think you’ve learned!

    PS Love your style!

    1. Thanks so much Erin! I am glad to have you! It has been really fun to stop, and look back and what I’ve learned. I enjoy the reflecting. I’ll be sharing the next installment of this series at the end of the month! :)

  5. I love the layout!! I haven’t been back to visit in awhile but your site looks fantastic! Great post for all new bloggers — I think it’s great you pointed out that a year isn’t that old, blogging takes time!

    1. Thanks Vivianne! I enjoy looking back and reflecting, I feel like it helps me learn even more about blogging – when I focus on what has worked and what hasn’t. Thanks for stopping by!

  6. Thank you for the post. I started blogging a few days ago and already feel anxious about having some kind of following. I have yo remember to have patience, consistency, and dedication. Thank you!

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