Weekly Rundown |

the Weekly Rundown: Faster Fast Fashion + Thoughtful Giving

Seasons and salt blog

Hello! In case you happened to come by the site on Friday, you may have noticed it was down for most of the day — eek! Bluehost had some network issue, but all is right as rain now. I am so sorry if you thought I temporarily ran away to Mexico.

Saturday night was my husband’s work Christmas party (outfit post coming soon!) and I’ll say, holiday parties are tough for me to style. Going into it, I think I can get away with being simple and wearing black. But by the time you add black tights to a black dress – and then there’s the whole trying-to-stay-warm factor which means another black layer – it just looks Amish or something. Anyway, here are five women who are doing it right, just in case you need a little holiday party inspiration.

Everyday, it seems like I learn about yet another, eco-friendly brand. I look forward to ethical companies earning more and more of their share of the marketplace. The lovely Alden Wicker of EcoCult just introduced her readers to SiiZU, and I think you’re going to like them.

In case that wasn’t enough, here are 15 more affordable, sustainable brands for you to peruse.

This article in the Wall Street Journal both terrified and fascinated me when I read it: Fast Fashion: How a Zara Coat Went From Design to Fifth Avenue in 25 Days. It’s fascinating because the company actually listened to the requests of their customers and responded with a product, one that ended up flying off shelves. But I get hung up on the part where they made 8,000 coats in 13 days, wow, that’s fast. But perhaps the more troubling issue is the speed at which our fashion cycles have reached. In with the new, out with old, now even faster than ever.

I’m loving the reflective mindset Dr. It Girl has on holiday giving. Kids, parents, teacher-gifts, neighbors, co-workers, why does it get out of hand so fast? It’s a quick reminder to slow down a bit.

4 thoughts on “the Weekly Rundown: Faster Fast Fashion + Thoughtful Giving

  1. Thanks for the links to those wonderful sustainable brands! So many I haven’t heard of that look great.

    Unfortunately, I can’t read that WSJ article, as it requires a subscription to sign in & read. Sounds really interesting though. Crazy how fast these big companies can produce.

    1. AH, I’m so sorry Stacy. That happened to me one of the times I tried viewing it too. Maybe try googling it? I think you’d find the article really interesting!

  2. I decided not to buy any new clothes for the holidays unless it was something sustainable. So far I’ve only bought a sweater from a thrift store and am thrifting another gift for a family member. I do have my eye on Brass Clothing’s new Edit collection and hoping to buy one of their new dressed when they come out!

    1. It’s so easy to get sucked into buying new clothes for the holidays, good for you to staying strong! Keep us posted if you go with Brass’s The Edit. It seems like an interesting option!

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