Outfits |

[TIP #1] How to Spice Up Your Wardrobe When You’re on a Shopping Break

Seasons-and-salt-outfit-photo-2Seasons-and-salt-outfit-photo-1.1 Today I am launching a new five-part series that has to do with a topic that’s been on my mind a lot lately: contentment.

And just as much as I am writing this to share with you, I am writing it as an encouragement to myself too.

As I shared on Friday, I am working on slowly and sustainably building a beautiful wardrobe of items that truly reflect my style and that means purchasing well-crafted items over time. These kind of wardrobe pieces are usually higher in price and sometimes harder to find which means most of the time when I want to add something to my closet the answer is “not right now.” As I mentioned here, telling myself “no” has been character building, among other things.

Now that I’ve come to a point where I am on board with taking long breaks in shopping, and adding items at a minimalists’ pace, a new question emerges: What do I do when I get bored with my current closet/capsule wardrobe? I have five tips to share with you guys, starting today.

[TIP #1] Unconventional Combos. I am talking about mixing things you would have never considered before. If you’re like me, you might struggle with thinking outside the black and white box. For example, pair a cute baseball hat with a sassy skirt. Don’t match your leathers, maybe even wear three different shades. Pair two completely unstructured pieces. Wear tennis shoes with a dress. This is the fertile soil where trends are born. Don’t be afraid to try new things, and definitely don’t be afraid to fail. Fashion is supposed to be fun. If you don’t giggle when you look back on photos of yourself in ten years from now, maybe you’re playing it too safe!

I’ll be back with TIP #2 on Friday, until then I’d love to hear about what kind of unconventional combos you would consider out of your own wardrobe.


Seasons-and-salt-outfit-photo-3[dress, thrifted Patagonia, (similar: here or here) / chucks / hat (similar) / bag (similar, made in CA!)]

4 thoughts on “[TIP #1] How to Spice Up Your Wardrobe When You’re on a Shopping Break

  1. I am so excited to see someone talking about this! I know I am addicted to having new things, whether it be new clothes or even just new nail polish. It’s hard to be content in our culture, and I am desperate to become better about not buying things.

    1. Dani, I can so relate! This is a big reason why I started my capsule journey. I never felt satisfied, and always wanted more!

  2. Love this post. I for one need to do this. It’s hard when you’re trying to save and it’s a great idea to mix things up and just have fun with it. Great post.
    The Pumpkin Spot

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