Fall |

It’s October and I’m Still Shaving My Legs

Fall Look-3 Fall Look-4 Fall Look

[cape sweater, thrifted / skirt, thrifted / bag, Cuyana tall tote (made in SF!) / shooties, Frye / necklace, gift from husband]

Maybe it’s because this fall I am living in a small cozy apartment instead of a big, drafty house… or maybe it’s because I don’t have time to catch my breath because my three children are running circles around me and our small home… or maybe October is just warm, but, my razor and I are still closer than I’d like to be at this point in the year. I suppose skirts and bare legs in October should be viewed as a benefit though.

The better part of this outfit is thrifted, save for some well-chosen accessories like my Cuyana tote (still warming up to it, I can’t decide if the pebbled leather looks fakey to me) and my moto shooties by Frye (quickly falling hard for these. And a side note: if you’re in the military, or your spouse is, you can get a 20% discount when ordering direct from Frye!). Thrifting has really been on my mind lately. And while I don’t shop hardly at all these days, save for some online browsing, every once in awhile I get inspired. The thing with thrifting is that most of the time you have to go again and again and again until you find what you’re looking for. Which can be tiring, time consuming, and feel a little obsessive when you’re out of the habit of shopping. But if you’re willing to invest the time and energy it can pay off. I’m on the hunt for a few items, and I have some kid-free time this weekend, so I am going to see what I can shake out of my favorite haunts.

On my list: Vintage straight-leg Levi’s. (Bonus if they’re 501’s!) The irony is not lost on me that when I was a teenager I was on the hunt for vintage Levi’s because they were all the rage back then. And here we are again, not that many years later! I promise I am not trying to reclaim my youth. Okay, maybe, just a little.

Inspiration pics:

As you can see this ‘holy grail’ of an item works with heels, loafers, chelsea boots, you name it.

Other items I’d love to find: tan trench (definitely inspired by this one), something in hunter green, maybe an old wool sweater (they sure don’t make them like they used to!), and a skirt that’s constructed from a winter-weight fabric like heavy cotton or wool. Oh and a black turtle neck would be cool too, even though my husband says I look super 90’s in them and even called me Steve Jobs.  Mission accomplished then, right?

Cheers to the weekend,
xo -andrea

4 thoughts on “It’s October and I’m Still Shaving My Legs

  1. I need a turtleneck and a trench too! Good luck with the hunt. Thrifting could easily become my new obsession so I have to be careful!

    1. Oh Jaana, it’s way too easy to become obsessed and it is certainly a time suck! Like all things, good in moderation, right? ;)

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