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City Life

Seasons-and-salt-outfit-photo-4 Seasons-and-salt-outfit-photo-3 Seasons-and-salt-outfit-photo-5[top, similar + USA made, similar + fair trade / skirt, thrifted (similar + nicer, and a tie-front option) / necklace, Loop Handmade Jewelry / shoes, Nisolo** / bag from Nordstrom, but not recommended. I explain in this post. Try this ethically-made GORGEOUS alternative instead, or this one too. ]
Get 10% off your Nisolo order using this unique referral link.  

 You are probably going to be seeing my little brick runway here on a regular basis. My lovely family of five lives in this cute cluster of tiny city apartments. We’re weird, I know. We went from nearly 2,000 square feet to 960 square feet, and it’s been (mostly) awesome.

We have gotten rid of tons of stuff and made some fun changes in our routines. After spending more than a year commuting about three hours each day, my husband now walks to work! It’s been a great change for all of us. When we moved to Portland one of our main goals was to maximize family time and cutting down his commute time has added about two hours to our family time each day!

Being in the city does have it’s drawbacks. We miss certain perks, like having a driveway, a private backyard and two bathrooms. But for now life is a bit of an adventure and we’re having fun while we navigate it. It’s amazing to be able to walk or ride the train nearly anywhere in the city. We may not have a backyard, but the city is definitely my kids’ playground!

As for my little #ootd here: I have a feeling this skirt will be getting lots of wear this summer.  I am all about easy and breezy (literally) during the hot months. Mom tip: I always wear short bicycle-style shorts underneath skirts like this. Just the other day I had one of my kids try and give me an “up-the-skirt” wedgie while I was checking out at Trader Joe’s. True story. And just one reason why I always wear shorts underneath my shorter skirts. These shoes are on high-rotation right now in my closet. They are comfortable enough to wear almost anywhere for any length of time (we walk a lot), and they are cuter than your average pair of flats. Just be careful when you’re ordering. They are supposed to fit snug but after a few wears, they stretch out a bit. I learned this the hard way.

Happy Friday friends!

10 thoughts on “City Life

  1. I’ve recently found your blog, and I just wanted you to know I love your style and am really enjoying following your posts! Keep posting! : ) ps… I love the name of your blog and your reasons behind it!

  2. You are making living in the city sound more and more appealing to me! How cool it is to read the changes you have made in order to have more family time! My husband and I did a similar concept in 2013. He quit his job in bank management and we moved across country from our 3200 square foot house in a mid-sized town, to a 1200 square foot farmhouse in the country so he could back to grad school to pursue his dream. We have much more family time now and my husband is a different person without the stress of his corporate job. I love living the farm life to and so does our 14 year old son. I think both my husband and I would like to experience city living someday though. We will most likely wait until our son is grown before we try it. It is so refreshing to read your blog and the things that are important to you!

    1. So interesting to hear your story too Rebecca! Maybe when your son leaves the nest, that will be the perfect time for your city adventures. I have to say it’s pretty fun with kids, and if my kids were grown, I’d probably live really urban forever!

  3. Hey, I def have the same issue with miniskirts and my kids! Where do you get your bike shorts? I’ve been having a hard time finding ones that are the right length and weight for this particular purpose. Thanks! (PS – I’m a city mom too – NYC!)

    1. Hi Koyuki, so fun to have you! I got my shorts a few years back at Forever21, they are really short, and I think that helps them from getting the skirts caught on them. Honestly, they are not much bigger than undies, but I feel way less naked with them on!

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