Some big name influencers are leaving Instagram. It’s not quite a mass exodus, but it’s noteworthy. Instagram demands so much of creators in order to keep us algorithm-worthy (aka not hiding our stuff) that it often leaves us creatively sucked dry. I have my own mixed feelings about the platform and feel greatly intrigued by the idea of using it less, lest I be used by it.
I love the idea of co-buying a house with someone else. Housing can be so expensive, I think it’s smart to look at creative ways to get ahead financially.
Five Secrets to Stress-Free Family Dinners. I’m all ears.
Have you ever thought about setting a limit on how many items you buy for your house in a year, similar to a wardrobe challenge? Just like a wardrobe challenge, a home decor buying challenge sounds like it could bring some serious style clarity to your decorating style.
I’m looking to add another layer of color to my all-white bedding. Getting really bold here, and thinking about these pillows. Now to find a matching throw blanket. If you have one you love, let me know! I feel very confused about the size I should buy.
A beautiful, oversized mirror is always hard to come by. This one has me tempted!
My favorite shoe company is having a boot sale! That means my beloved Emi’s are 25% off! Use the code BOOTUP. (Only the black is on sale.)
I’m always, always taking style notes from the Brits. (The write-up is particularly relatable too.)
And the 90’s.
Sweaters currently on my wishlist: fisherman and stripe.
My friend Jaana shares from on our trip to Palm Springs.