Closet Challenge |

5 Reasons I’m Doing a Capsule Wardrobe this Winter

Capsule wardrobes… they’re so 2015 right?? I started my blog the same year and based it solely around the concept of capsule wardrobes. That quickly evolved to talking about sustainable fashion and personal style. My last capsule was in the spring of 2016. I honestly have not looked back since. I even thought the concept of a capsule was a bit… passé. That is until recently, when I found myself craving something different.

Here I am, nearly six years later, ready to capsule again. As I mentioned in the fall, I have found myself yearning for simplicity, particularly with my wardrobe. I will put my hands up and admit, any lack of simplicity in my wardrobe is at my very own doing, but I am determined to try a different route. So, I am slowing things down a bit and embracing a capsule this January and February, and maybe beyond.

Here’s Why I’m Capsule-ing (in order of importance to me)

1 // Simplicity. Employing a capsule means fewer items to choose from and look at in my closet when getting dressed. Dressing from a small/lean closet is much easier and more intuitive for me than styling outfits from a big closet. I know this from experience. I desire this type of simplicity in my day to day. This is exactly why my dear friend Paige operates out of a very lean closet.

Additionally, mid-season is a great time to pair down because you don’t need all the shoulder season items since the weather is pretty consistent. For example, in winter I don’t need lighter layers or coats I might normally wear in spring or fall. I don’t need any short sleeve shirts (except a few undershirts), and I don’t even need most long sleeve shirts because I am wearing sweaters instead. Putting away all these items lets me see what I really have to work with right now.

2 // Slowing down my shopping. I moved a little fast with some of my purchases in the fall, and I am slowing things down. I stopped short of calling this a shopping break because I will still likely be adding items through brand partnerships, and I may even buy things, but largely, I plan to abstain from shopping. (Lord help me!!)

3 // Continued refinement of personal style. The beauty of pairing down to a capsule means shedding the ‘fluff’ in your closet, aka, the pieces you keep because you might want them someday, or because you “should” save them for reason X. Creating a capsule is essentially taking the cream off the top of your closet, selecting your favorite items and building outfits from there. In my past capsule experiences this has helped sharpen my focus on what I love to wear and how I like to style myself.

4 // More interesting outfits. Usually, in the middle of the summer or the middle of winter I tend to get really bored with my outfits. It feels like a steady diet of the same. I am hoping a capsule will help keep me inspired. Afterall, limits expand creativity.

5 // To get more out of some of the lesser-worn items in my closet. It’s way too easy to wear a few items over and over and ‘save’ my favorites for a ‘special occasion.’ In a capsule, each item must earn its place, and there is no room for items that don’t get worn. This helps push me toward some items I keep passing over for what’s more convenient.

A fringe benefit of the simplicity of having fewer items is that you revel in the small details of what you do have. Each garment is important.

A Few Practical Details:

Number of items – I didn’t set a limit when creating my capsule, but I did aim for around 40ish items, and I think my final count is 46.

Everything else – I have a small-ish pile of items to get rid of. I realized if I didn’t love something or if I haven’t worn it in almost a year, it is time to move it on by consigning or giving to a friend. Everything else, I’ve stashed away. My lighter coats (aka trenches) are in the downstairs closet. My cotton sweaters are tucked up on a high shelf in my closet, and lighter tops are in the back of my closet or stashed in a tote under my bed. I tucked away any excluded jeans in the recesses of a closet shelf, and I have brought several capsule items out and hung them prominently on the cute wood wardrobe in my room for easy viewing.

Not included – undershirts and coats.

See my winter capsule wardrobe items here and, starting on Monday, I’ll be sharing my winter capsule outfits, as always, shot in real time as I wear them!

4 thoughts on “5 Reasons I’m Doing a Capsule Wardrobe this Winter

  1. This is exciting. So retro haha but I love it. A capsule the last couple summers have really helped me get through my least fave season

    1. Totally retro, hahaha. And you rocked those summer outfits friend! I feel like small numbers push me to make better outfits!

  2. I love that you’re trying a capsule again Andrea! I myself don’t have a ridged capsule either, but just having less items to choose from makes me feel more content with my life 😅

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