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Our Christmas Bucket List (2020 Style)

This picture was taken last winter, but it’s fitting right now because there are very few people in it. An indicator of our current, pandemic-era life. The holiday season undoubtedly looks quite different this year. And sometimes when I hear Christmas music it actually makes me sad because it reminds me what we’re missing out on.

However, I am determined to not get stuck in my sadness, and instead, look for what is being added to my life right now. A few of those things are: slower days, simpler routines, less demand, or need to be anywhere, overall closeness with my immediate family.

With that in mind, I’ve brainstormed some activities for our family to do and look forward to this Christmas season. These are simple activities, maybe even modest. But I think that’s part of my perspective shift and an attempt to find the joy in the small things.

Hartman Family Holiday Bucket List:

1 // Draw names for stockings.

We usually do some form of name drawing each year, and this year we opted for stockings because it’s the chance to pick a small assortment of things we think someone will love (within a $20 limit!). We got a jump start on Christmas this year so we drew names early, and our stocking-stuffing is well-underway.

2 // String popcorn for our Christmas tree.

This is something my mom introduced me to as a kid. I find the simple, methodical rhythms of this oddly relaxing! The kids like it too because all three of them can do it. We’ve been using our air popper to make big batches and then we keep the bowl on our dining table and string a little more each night. The only tricky part is keeping the puppy out of it, haha.

3 // Go for a nighttime walk in a different neighborhood and look at holiday lights.

We did this a few weeks ago and it was really fun. We have taken soooo many walks in our own neighborhood I think I’ve memorized every house! Breaking out of the rut and going across the river was a great change of pace. The homes were from a totally different era, and the deeper we walked into a neighborhood the more beautiful they got! Even though this is an outdoor activity, we felt it more courteous to the neighborhood to wear masks, plus they kept our faces warm!

4 // Drive around and look at Christmas lights and drink hot chocolate.

This is a long-standing tradition in our household. We’ve been doing it ever since they were tiny. But we do it with a twist. We usually surprise our kids when they’re not expecting it. One night in December, after they’ve already gone to bed, we catch them before they fall asleep and haul them out to the car with PJ’s and blankets and hot chocolate. It’s always a hit. Except for the year we took the joke too far and my husband threw the lights on and ‘woke up’ the kids, telling them they were in ‘big trouble.’ Too much of an emotional rollercoaster that time…

5 // Read Honest Advent

By chance, I came across this book on Instagram. I think the goal is to instill wonder in the reader about a season we think we know everything about. This one is more of my personal bucket list item, but my hope is to share some tidbits with my family. The book also features advent-related art, which might be fun to share and talk about.

6 // Watch Elf + Home Alone

This is another favorite tradition of ours, along with watching Home Alone. Neither movie gets old for me, and I cry at the end every time, even if I missed the first half of the movie. Nothing like Christmas cheer or a mother-son reunion to cue the waterworks!

7 // Make cookies together.

I am going to go ahead and say this out loud: I am *not* the mom who makes cookies with her kids. In fact, I tend to banish them from the kitchen when I’m making stuff. The perfectionist in me just cannot handle the little fingers and ill-measurements, particularly when the exact science of baking is at stake. So this year, since the cookies aren’t for anyone but us, I’m going to attempt to step aside from my ego and let my kids make cookies with me. This is the recipe that inspired me.

8 // Do a puzzle that takes several days.

This one might be a pipe dream, but I am hoping to do it once we are on break from school. The kids will come and go and pick away at it. But I will probably not change out of my jammies, and sip coffee for hours on end working on it. Until I get frustrated and walk away for a day. And then I’ll repeat the cycle. It will *mostly* be relaxing!

9 // Stay up late / sleep in.

This one will DEFINITELY happen. Mr. Seasons and I always joke that we revert back to college students when we are on any sort of break from school/work. Staying up late, watching TV, and eating snacks is my love language, haha. Not really, but sort of! And we have reached that point of family bliss where most of us can pretty easily sleep in until 9 am! Heaven!

I would love to hear, how is your holiday season shaping up? How are you pivoting this year?