Weekly Rundown |

the Weekly Rundown: Preserving Peace, A Week of Outfits + Cozy, Fall Items

Nisolo just released some good-looking rain-friendly boots! They sent me these Carmen Chelsea boots ahead of last weekend’s launch, and I really like them. They are decidedly chunky and casual, and I LOVE that they are actually a light color.

The Madewell sale wraps up in a few days (Tuesday, I believe), and I wanted to share a few more of my picks! This bag has been on my radar for a few months because I super love the strap. This oversized flannel top looks super cozy (I am very into the work shirt look lately!), and I love the color of these pants.

This teddy jacket is the chicest take on the trend I’ve seen yet. (I also can’t believe it’s 100% wool!) And I am very tempted by this midi sherpa.

Have you ever tried a fleece shirt? I am thinking about ordering this one!

Clearly I have cozy clothes on the mind. I love the color and knit of this sweater. (Note: I own two already from this brand, and they are the type that’s meant to last a lifetime!)

Do you guys follow Candace? She’s one of my favorites. I love her recent blog post of fall transition looks (I spy some Only Child in there too!).

This week of outfits makes simple outfits look so sophisticated. I love the dress in the second photo.

I’m dead over this gorgeous bathroom. It looks both vintage and modern at the same time.

I’m thinking about making this healthy pumpkin bread over the weekend. And I’m certainly making my favorite vegetarian chili next week!

And lastly, this piece on ‘preserving peace in a world full of turmoil’ really resonated with me. I already follow her news advice, and I love her thoughts on Facebook, sleep and getting outside. Going to bookmark this one for re-reading.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend! xx