Did you guys see the Fall Collection release from Pyne & Smith? Trying hard to convince myself I don’t need a Pinafore in Toast or the new blouse. (Note, the Pinafore is sold out, but I heard a waitlist is coming!)
This pumpkin smoothie sounds delicious! (And pretty healthy!) I would even add a scoop of vanilla protein powder to give it a boost.
Do you own a giant monstera? Or maybe just a little one? I have several (I’ve propagated mine a few times!) and I found these tips very helpful!
I am currently trying to wrap my head around adding some life to our bare bones dining room, so home decor has been on my mind. Wit & Delight’s post on home decorating on a budget is aptly timed!
5 Signs it’s time to stop decluttering.
I love Audrey’s deep dive on fall trends. Her videos are always so thoughtful and the style analysis extra sophisticated.
Why are sneakers so cool? I really like these. And these, which are totally the opposite end of the spectrum.
My big spend for the fall are these boots, which happen to be 20% off this weekend. They are sophisticated, comfy and weather-ready.
Also, wanted to give you a heads up that Madewell is having a big sale, these jeans, that I recently bought, are 30% off! (You can see them on me here.)
This week on Seasons + Salt, I’ll be sharing my fall mood board, inspiration and goals. Read last year’s here.
Hey there, do you feel like you could walk 4 miles on city sidewalks in those sweet Dear Frances boots? That is my current unicorn – what cute boots can withstand our weather and you can comfortably put miles on in them?
Hi friend! A hesitant ‘yes.’ Hesitant because I have not walked/worn them enough because it’s so hot. The leather is super soft and buttery so I think it will be comfy, and the sole is super lightweight. My concern is that if the sole or heels wore down with wear would they be repairable? I am so used to leather-bottomed shoes. I did see that Everlane is coming out with a Modern Utility Boot, that might be an option too. I *think* if you look at the cinnamon turtleneck you can see a sneak peek of them.
Thank you! You are so sharp-eyed finding those boots in that photo – ha – those Everlane boots are cute! They have a bit of a heel, though, which might not make for comfortable miles. I made my peace with if I can’t endlessly stroll our neighborhood in a pair of shoes, they’re not for this pandemic time.