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5 Things to Watch on Netflix w/Your ‘Tween

This summer, as we’ve been at home more than we ever imagined, TV has surprisingly become a welcome place to relax and escape. Piling on the couch at the end of a long day and watching something as a family is one of my favorite ways to mark the weekend. And as our kids have gotten older, it’s been a welcome shift to watch some movies and TV shows that appeal not just to the kids, but the parents too.

Here are a few shows we’ve watched or are currently watching that are holding the attention of both Mr. Seasons and I, and our girls who are 8 and almost 11.

1. The Babysitter’s Club

It’s no surprise that this one is on the list. If you’re an older millenial like me, odds are you read these books as a kid. I am particularly fond of this reboot because it brings back so many warm and fuzzies from when I was a girl. Some episodes even made me misty eyed. It’s hard to beat having Alicia Silverstone as one of the mom’s too. The series has been updated to include broader character diversity, including a babysitting charge who is transgender. I love that this led to an age-appropriate conversation later with my girls. (If you want to learn more about the experiences of transgender youth, this documentary does a great job sharing some insights.) We haven’t watched the whole Babysitter’s Club series yet, but look forward to devouring the rest!

2. Anne with an E

This series is based on another beloved book, Anne of Green Gables. I never read that one because I always snubbed the classics as a kid (sorry Mom!), but I was familiar with the story line. This recent adaptation does not disappoint. The series reeled us all in from the beginning with the interesting and complex characters. Anne faces a lot of bullying in some episodes and this led to some important conversations as a family about how we as humans tend to treat people who aren’t like us differently.

Anne with an E is probably best for older ‘tweens or preteens because there are some darker themes (Anne has had a difficult life prior to coming to the farm) and some alluding to an inappropriate relationship between a teacher and a student. If you want to research further, Common Sense Media has reviews from parents and kids.

Personally, if I have any doubts about a show (after checking Common Sense Media), I prefer to watch it with my kids as a chance to experience it together and be readily available for any questions or things they want to discuss.

3. The Healing Powers of Dude

I have only seen two episodes of this one, but I really like what I saw. The story follows an 11-year-old with a social anxiety disorder who takes on a companion dog (Dude) to help him navigate middle school. This show is a great chance to gain empathy and understanding for people who are going through scenarios that we normally might not see or experience. It’s also comical and entertaining. Older millennials will recognize the mom in this one!

4. The Floor is Lava

This one is more of a youth favorite than a grown up favorite in our house, but my kids LOVE it. It’s a game show based on the popular living room game, haha. The contestants have to make it through an obstacle course where the floor literally is lava…. or bubbly orange liquid. They jump from awkward item to awkward item to try and get to the other side. It features lots of instant replays of people falling into the lava and lots of laughs from the couch.

5. Down to Earth

Yes, I made this list for the kids, but I kinda, sorta made it for the parents too. This show is excellent, and we actually watched it without the kids, but want to go back and rewatch it with them. It features Zac Efron and his natural-living-guru friend as they travel the world in search of a healthy lifestyle and sustainable living solutions. It’s really interesting because it puts some things we only talk about (alternative energy sources) into real-life perspective. It also explores the reasons why people in some parts of the world live so long, and what living off the grid might look like. It’s a great way to get young people thinking about the long-term effects of the choices they make today.

Happy Friday and happy streaming my friends!

One thought on “5 Things to Watch on Netflix w/Your ‘Tween

  1. Hi! From Melbourne, Australia. I stumbled across your blog through Pinterest. I have to say I love your style and really just enjoy reading your blog, so fresh and honest. Your posts bring a smile to my face but it’s my first time to comment. I have similar aged kids, two girls and a boy – 10, 9 and turning 6. We have seen all of the Baby Sitters Club and I too have gotten misty-eyed. I’ll be sure to check out your other recommendations. 😊

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