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The Platform Boot Trend (A Winter Win)

Everlane Oversized Blazer, Dr Marten Platform Boots


The temptation is strong, to start this post with a clever title: New Year, New View, or New Year, Fresh Take. This is indeed my first blog post of the New Year, and I am happy to be back, but in all honesty this is a blog post about shoes. More specifically: platform boots. I love to set goals and set my mind on things I want to strive for, but this year I’m going with a more intuitive approach. I’m trying to live life as best I can (ie. adding exercise back in to my routine, and staying off my phone as much as I can around the kids, not shopping too much, etc.), and I’m going to see where that takes me.

But back to the boots. Platform boots! Before I dive in, a little background.

Be Unabashed.

I have always been slightly embarrassed by my big feet. More in middle school, less in college. (Moms and future moms: never tell your daughter her shoes resemble bobsleds or clown shoes, unless it is prior to purchase.) Five years ago I never would have worn a pair of shoes that made my feet look big. Let alone add a chunky sole that accentuated my size 10’s. Heck, even a year ago, I probably wouldn’t have considered it.

Thankfully, I’m a more-grown woman now with lots of life experience that tells me my big feet are not to be concerned about, nobody really cares, and I am lovely just the way I am. Furthermore, this current wave of body-positive culture reinforces that. How boring would it be if all our shapes were the same? And, if we all had perfectly shaped (fill in the blank), we’d probably just find something else we’d want to change or compare to. The cliché really does ring true: variety is the spice of life. That applies to bodies and shapes as well. Our physical traits: hands, feet, noses, hair, etc. are at their best when they are as varied as our personality traits. Let’s take our ‘flaws’ and marvel at how unique they make us. Then unabashedly embrace it. Confidence is beautiful!

Everlane Oversized Blazer, Dr Marten Platform Boots
Everlane Oversized Blazer, Dr Marten Platform Boots
Everlane Oversized Blazer, Dr Marten Platform Boots

Platform Boots.

They are definitely having a moment in fashion. I first saw them on Jill Lansky a year or more ago, but I couldn’t swing the Balenciaga price point. Then another favorite style muse and pal of mine – Brianna – started sporting these amazing derby boots. And then, in the fall, one of my shoe favorites – Freda Salvador – introduced their lug sole series. I almost bought the Emi style but chickened out because I thought they’d make my feet look huge. Finally, last month I tested the waters with a wallet-friendly option made by Dr. Martens. I saw a woman at the grocery store with a similar pair and in my search for that style, came across these. When I tried them on I was thrilled to find I loved them, big chunky feet and all!

In this cold, wet season, having a pair of warm, comfortable, yet incredibly stylish, pair of boots has added a new kind of simplicity to getting dressed. They look good with almost anything (even dresses!) but I can confidently wear them in all weather conditions, saving my more delicate styles for dryer days.

Are you into platform boots or chunky shoes? If so, I’d love to hear how you’re wearing them.


Oversized Double Breasted Blazer, 4, c/o Everlane
Merino Turtleneck, thrifted (similar in cotton or cashmere
Jeans, vintage Levi’s 517’s, (very similar)
Dr. Martens, Chelsea Boots (9 – I sized down and they were still roomy so I added a Dr. Marten insole, now they feel like walking on clouds!)
The Day Mini Tote, c/o Everlane
Medallion Necklace, Missoma

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11 thoughts on “The Platform Boot Trend (A Winter Win)

  1. I have a pair of muted teal Doc Martens and they have such a good vibe, and compliment most of the warmer tones in my closet. I agree they run large, though. I probably could have gone down a size, but it’s nice to wear them with my thickest socks.

    I have always been self conscious about my large knees, and it’s something that has only gotten worse with age, especially since the midi skirt trend has made it so easy to cover them. Maybe I’ll work on exposing them more this year.

    1. Do you feel like if you say it ‘aloud’ it takes the power away from the thing you worry about? For me I feel like it helps bring perspective on how it all pales to the bigger pictures of things. But I think confidence seems to come (and go) in waves. I hope you will wear more skirts this spring Leah! Thanks for the comment!

  2. I am surprised at the comments people find acceptable about others’ bodies, even as an adult! I have a “big” foot too (10.5). When people comment on it, I now say “the better to stand with.” Or, if I’m in no mood, “what an odd comment.” Recognizing that there is nothing wrong with anyone’s bodies, only the comments, has helped me significantly. Bring on the platform boots :)

    1. Omg I love that. “What an odd comment.” Totally going to steal that as a sharp reply for rude people. :)

      1. Same, that is a great rebuff. And what a great perspective, the problem is the comments not people’s bodies! ESPECIALLY when it comes to something like foot size!

  3. I also have big feet! In high school my friend’s mom thought there was a boy in their house due to my large sneakers left at the doorway. I don’t think about it so much anymore but I do notice that when I wear more “masculine” shoes I’m more self-conscious of it.

    1. Yes, I have had similar experiences. Mostly myself cringing at how my sneakers in a pile next to the front door look closer to men’s sizes than women’s. I love that you don’t think about it so much anymore! It is liberating.

  4. I’m a few years older than you, and had Docs back in the day, but had ZERO interest in the platform trend (either in the 90s or now!) until seeing your Docs. I LOVE them on you, and I after buying them, I love them on me! So…count me influenced, and also note: those feet of yours are selling the goods!! 😂

    I’ve had a number of areas of my body I’ve been self-conscious about over the years, all of which I think I can track back to rude comments by others? I hit 40 a couple years ago, though, and I’m just so darn happy when my body is functional these days that I’ve made a lot of peace with the “looks” aspect of it. If it’s working correctly and not hurting, I’m done judging it. 😁

    1. Oh my word Meg 😂’selling the goods’ that’s too funny! Thank you! Gosh, platforms are so comfy my other shoes are gathering dust right now. That’s super awesome that you love them on you too. Thrilled to have inspired you!!
      YES, what a great and refreshing perspective on your body *despite* what others have said to you over the years. (I’ve had similar experiences. Been self-conscious of my ‘man hands’ ever since a co-worker pointed them out in college.) I do think time is an amazing sifter. I was just noticing today that the more years I get under my belt the more clearer (for lack of better word) my perspective becomes. I just see things differently. And I couldn’t teach younger me this stuff, it’s the kind of thing that only comes with time. SO we’ll basically be geniuses by 90! 😂

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