It’s been quite awhile since I shared my ‘beauty routine’ with you guys, and I am excited to share what’s been working for me lately.
Each year I tend to focus more on skin care and less on makeup. The better my skin looks, the less makeup I need.
It’s 35 years old (haha) and isn’t as youthful as it once was. I would describe it as combination, part dry, part oily. I do have some fine lines and saggyness (boo), and I’m also subject to a few monthly pimples. To address both matters I keep my products simple and consistent.
I started using Rodan and Fields Unblemish line a little over two years ago with great results. However, in the last few months, my R+F regime started to become less effective. Sometimes it seems like my skin gets ‘immune’ to the effectiveness of products after extended use. I began seeing some breakouts again in the fall, so I began to slowly switch some of the products I use.
I rarely use R+F these days, but had a really good experience with Redefine Intensive Renewing Serum (minimizes pores and improves skin texture) and I highly recommend the Unblemish Line if you’re looking to get your acne under control. I have my Dual Intensive Acne Treatment on standby and still use it a few times a month, if I start to see some pimples.

Each morning I do a quick, light wash with my charcoal cleansing bar from Beauty Counter. (Shout out to my friend Lauren for gifting me this at our last girls’ night out. You can support her Beauty Counter biz here.) I really like this bar because it makes my face feel super clean, and I can wash it quickly. I don’t have to scrub in tiny circles for a long time or spend time trying to work up suds.
After cleansing, I moisturize – same routine in winter and summer. I use the CeraVe on and around my eyes. I do this for two reasons: 1) my SPF moisturizer burns a little if it gets in my eyes, and 2) I realized when my SPF moisturizer got on my eyelashes, it made my mascara slide off. I have been using CeraVe’s daily moisturizing lotion for 5-6 years, maybe even more. My skin loves it and the price is really hard to beat.
Next, I put the Oil-Free Plantscription SPF by Origins all over my face, paying careful attention to get the sides of my cheeks and temples, where I am prone to sun spots. I go back on forth on how I feel about applying it to my neck. (Do you put SPF on your neck?). This is another moisturizer my skin just loves. It makes my skin look bright and dewy, and there is no white residue – a problem I’ve had with other SPF moisturizers in the past. I’ve used this for the last few years and each time I’ve tried a new product (in search of something less expensive), I always come back.

My evening routine is about as simple as my morning routine. I wash with the charcoal bar again (scrubbing a bit more to remove eye makeup and grime from the day) and then move on to moisturizing.
Some nights I will apply the CeraVe all over and then add the Ursa Major Recovery Cream around my eyes. Other nights I will apply the Recovery Cream all over my face. I received it as a gift a few months ago and have been using it with good results. It’s another product that helps minimize the appearance of pores overnight. However, if I use it all over my face too many nights in a row, I am prone to small pimples. It smells very, very good.
As I mentioned above, my preference is to invest in caring for my skin more than in makeup. I have also made the choice to embrace my skin, even if some days it looks a little dark under my eyes or my skin tone is not as even as I’d like.
However, I rarely ever leave the house without mascara. It’s my must- have for makeup. On most of my days, I follow a ‘light’ makeup routine, and on a few others, I employ a ‘more’ regimen.

The first thing I do in the morning after I moisturize is apply Mac’s eye shadow in Omega to my brows with an angle brush (been rocking the same one for 15 years!). I need the dewy moisturizer to help hold the powder in place. If I wait too long and it has dried, it’s a lot harder to get the coverage I want. Some days if I need more help, I bring in brow definer, but it is rare.
After brows, I add a little color to the apples of my cheeks. I usually use Tarte’s amazonian clay-based 12 hour blush in Dazzled. I have been experimenting with cream blush samples by Kjaer Weiss from the Detox Market, and I really like those too, though they take a bit longer to apply. My favorite shade so far is Lovely. I’ve learned that pink and rose tones work best with my olive skin tone and green-eye coloring.
I recently added eyeliner back into my life. Just for fun I’ve been smearing a bit of this taupe colored cream liner (AquaXL in S-50) at the base of my lashes. The effect is really natural, and give my eyes a little more definition (something that is helpful in these dreary winter days).
I’ve been on a Too Faced mascara kick. It looks great once it’s on, but it can get clumpy sort of fast. Would love to hear what (long lasting, non waterproof) mascara you love.
When I get in the car I usually apply my lipstick. I love, LOVE Kjaer Weiss’s lipstick formula. They gifted me a tube several months ago, and I used it all the way down to the nubbins. And excitingly, their lipsticks are refillable. Just last week, I bought myself a refill of my favorite color, Believe. I really like the way the lipstick wears because it’s simultaneously moisturizing AND long-wearing. It’s a bit waxy, so it stays on really well. I have also found it works nicely as a base for lip sheers that wouldn’t otherwise stay on, and are usually too light on their own. But on most days, I usually layer it with my chapstick on top.
It seems long when written out, but this whole process usually takes me five minutes or less, depending on how cooperative my mascara is that day.

On days I want a little more polish on my face, (aka when I look extra tired, or am heading somewhere outside of my normal routine, ie. out to dinner, drinks, etc.) I pull out a few more products.
I will usually dab some of my Buxon foundation under my eyes, and put some Tarte amazonian clay powder foundation in my T-zone. On very rare occasions I will apply lid primer and eye color. The eye color I currently like is Embrace, by RMS Beauty (I’m a sucker for cream shadows). I bought a few lip sheers from Beauty Counter awhile back, and they work really well when layered over my favorite Kjaer Weiss lipstick. My lip sheer color of choice is Rose.
Since I don’t wear a lot of makeup, some of these products last me for years. The only thing I buy on a regular basis is mascara.
A few other items worth mentioning: I’m sold on Public Goods’ shampoo and conditioner, it works really well for my fine and oily hair. I wouldn’t recommend it if you need a moisturizing shampoo. I can’t seem to go a day without dry shampoo, Kristen Ess makes my product of choice right now. And lastly, this deodorant, c/o Ursa Major is one of my favorite things about my morning routine. It smells like mint and eucalyptus and does just what I need it to.
I’d love to hear if you have any beauty routine favorites, particularly if they are ‘green-beauty’ based!
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Love your minimal routine. What is Beauty Counter and what are lip scheers? Thanks!
Hi Sarah!
Beauty Counter is a green beauty company that is sold in a MLM fashion. I’ve only tried a few of their products, one being lip sheers (like a light lipstick) and I really liked them.
*sheers (How embarrassing!)
I recently discovered Ethique, a solid beauty bar company (and you can buy them though Amazon!). Their hair bars work nicely for my medium weight curly-ish hair, and I’m curious to try their face products now!
Thanks for sharing your simple routine! I’m not a makeup person so I’ve been focusing on refining my skincare routine as I’m starting to see some changes with age (and stress, more likely). I too tend have dry skin with occasional breakouts, and oils have been a game changer for me. First I started using the Evan Healy line which is really wonderful, but then I found a small batch oil/serum that seems to have truly worked wonders. Of course, it could have coincided with any number of factors in environmental & hormonal change, but the serum makes me glow and calms my redness and moisturizes without an oily residue: https://www.juliaelise.com/product/balancing-face-serum
I think due to age & winter dryness I’ve noticed my skin is a bit dull, so I’m currently also trying two things to improve brightness, clarity, and reduce fine lines: a vitamin C serum (by Mad Hippie) and a lactic acid formula (by the Ordinary). I’m cautiously adding a few drops into my evening routine a few times per week and so far I like what I see!
My skincare goal for the year is to be regimented with my SPF, and I like the MyChelle face lotion quite a bit.
I’d love to hear more about your thoughts on Public Goods! I order most of our household and personal products online these days, and with the rising costs of an Amazon Prime subscription I’m seriously considering switching over when ours runs out.
Krystal, I LOVE Public Goods. I got a free lifetime membership from my collab with them, but I think it’s worth the price, depending on your household needs. I love the products, and I also love that it saves me a trip to target where I would inevitably pick up other items not on my list. I just placed my (I think) 3rd order from PG today! We use the shampoo and conditioner, as well as the bar soap, the floss (fav!!!), the handsoap, and my husband seems to like the shaving cream. Let me know if there any more specific details you want.
Ok. So Kjaer Weiss also makes a refillable mascara, but is not by any stretch of the imagination waterproof. It is crazy not waterproof. This is actually something that I love about it because I previously had a mascara (recommended by a crazy well reputed beauty blog that shall not be named) that would not come off my face. Not with hot soapy water, not with multiple rounds of eye makeup remover, just would not come off. This one does. I’m also a crier when it comes to movies and the like, and while this doesn’t stand the test, it is easily fixable and doesn’t bleed freaking everywhere.
Ursa Major’s recovery creme is my very best friend.
If you are willing to try oils, Biossance is sustainably minded and they make a super amazing Squalane and Vitamin C rose oil. I use it under my makeup and moisturizer for a dewy glow. They actually came out with a tea tree oil squalane today that I am dying to try that is supposed to be great for acne prone skin and large pores. I’m dying to try it.
Ok I’m done now!
Thanks Breanna! I have had a similar experience with mascara, it’s awful when it wont come off!! The last thing I need are extra steps at bedtime to get ready for bed. I’ll keep the KJ one in mind!
Thanks for sharing your skincare routines! My skin is dry so my routines are all about hydration. A surprising game changer for my skin has been using CeraVe Moisturizing Cream on both my face and body at night. My skin has never been smoother! Other favorites include CeraVe Hydrating Cleanser, Hado Labo eye cream, Ordinary hyaluronic acid serum, Clinique Moisture Surge moisturizer, Elta MD UV Daily sunscreen, Murad Environment Shield sunscreen, and SkinCeuticals CE Ferulic. The last two are major splurges, but I’m willing to invest in protecting my fair skin from the Texas sun. And, YES — I definitely put sunscreen, serums, and moisturizers on my neck, chest, and back of my hands. Those exposed areas definitely need some attention and protection. My favorite mascara is Maybelline Colossal — I’ve been wearing it for years and always come back to it if I try something new. I’ve been looking into KW and think I’ll try their lipsticks first!
Good to know about the backs of hands, so smart!!! The KW lipsticks are just amazing, I love mine so much! I might look into that Maybelline mascara, I feel like I go through tubes so fast, might be nice to save some $$.
Glossier’s Lash Slick is a really nice, non clumpy, my-lashes-just-a-bit-more kind of mascara. I also like Benefit’s They’re Real. Mascara is my must have makeup, too!
I have used They’re Real, I love how impactful that one is! I might have to buy it again. I am a big fan of little makeup, but a LOT of mascara (subtly applied of course, haha).
I used Tarte’s Amazonian clay mascara for years but it was always a little too flaky for my taste. The Ilia limitless lash is the best reasonably priced natural mascara I have found. Most mascaras irritate my eyes, I wear contacts too. With an eyelash curler before application the curl holds all day without flaking, Also Olio e Osso balm in french melon for every day cheeks/lips/eyes. It’s expensive but True Botanicals has been life changing – like I find the budget for it because now I need it. But really most of the bottles last a couple of months, some products several months, and my skin has never looked better
I have been wanting to try Olio e Osso balm for ages!! How did you land on your correct color?
Always love to read this kind of posts :-)
Since 7 or 8 years I only use natural products for my skin.
I feel much better knowing that I can eat what I put on my skin ;-)
I also use oils in my pm routine, a marula oil (Sephora has a nice one from Drunk Elephant) and an oil blend. This keeps my skin supple and soft. I always clean my face with a cleansing balm/oil because this takes of all the make-up and grim without any problems.
In the morning I clean my face with a soft, creamy cleanser of A’kin.
I use it for some years now and I still love it.
Then a rose water of Alteya organics, eye cream of Beauty Kitchen and in the end a moisturizer of Zarqa, a dutch brand, with magenesium to keep your skin fresh and it also works on the collagen.
Regarding make-up I keep it very simple: Jane Iredale mineral powder which makes my skin tone more even (less red), lipstick of Illia and marcara of Eve Perez.
During the summer I use a SPF.
Each year I try a new one because I find it very hard to find one that doesn’t make you look like a ghost and doesn’t drip off your face when it’s very warm.
Last summer I used one of Alteya Organics with rose oil in it, so it smells great.
And they also added a light color to it so you don’t look like a ghost.
I really liked it a lot so I will buy a new one for the upcoming season.
Thanks for sharing your routine Martine, it’s so interesting to read! Do you find that oils ever make your skin break out? I believe that is my great hesitation for trying them out.
My skin is more on the oily side so for a long time I did everything I could to make it less oily.
Untill I read about the oil cleansing methode, that works very well for oily skin as well.
I started this methode and it did worked out very good for me.
When you try to get your skin less oily by using all these more or less harsh products for oily skin, I believe you just take off the protective layer of your skin.
As a reaction your skin tries to add more oil to the skin to get balanced again and you start taking it off again etc etc etc.
As soon as you add oil yourself, your skin understands that there is no need to add any more oil because there is enough.
I never broke out of any oil.
You can start with a beautiful rosehip oil from Sukin, Pai or an other brand they sell at your place :-)
Just start with it and see what it does for your skin.
I love it and I will never go back.
you should try drunk elephant- the whole line. completely transformed my skin.
Such a memorable name. I will look into them!
I am a big fan of a Korean routine, that includes 2-step cleaning( special oils first and than a cleanser). That really helped me to avoid breakouts or inflammation. Then I use serum, moisturizer, and BB or CC cream to help my skin look “naturally” even. And also I love Cera Ve for body)
So interesting to read this Olga, especially the 2-step cleaning. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for the Kjaer Weiss tip! I am always looking for products I can easily buy from Europe, and the fact that they do refills is definitely a plus!
Also, been trying the solid shampoo from Lush and so far so good (it’s package free!) and been thinking about simplifying our soap consume by using Castille soap for both hands and face cleaning, but I need to think it over a bit more. What I want is to use a gentle soap that everyone could use around the house.
It sounds like we might have similar hair/skin, so I thought I’d share a few favorites I’ve stumbled onto over the last couple years. Right now I’m using Monat hair products to combat post-partum hair loss, but before that I was using Function of Beauty with great success. My fine hair was not greasy in the morning for the first time in my life. R&F totally changed my skin for the better. I recently took a break from it, but I am going back. For makeup, I love Root mineral makeup. Their mascara is great, but I also love the Beauty Counter mascara and also the mascara from Milk, which I got at Sephora. I do all natural hair/beauty at this point too.