Weekly Rundown |

the Weekly Rundown: Phone Life vs. Real Life + A Conversation With a Stylist

Seasons and salt blog

THAT person is more important than your phone. This reflects something that’s been on my mind a lot lately. And I’ve noticed it gets easier, the more you do it.

Some great gifting ideas for the season if you want to give presence over presents

Love this interview with stylist Elim Chu, on everything from dressing for yourself to shopping fasts and tracking what you wear.

Did you see Sotela’s new Terra Collection? The color selection is beautiful.

Nisolo is offering an exclusive discount for Seasons + Salt readers through the end of the year! You can use the code PORTLAND15 to save an additional 15%!

My friend Paige is taking a break from Instagram, but she’s still sharing outfits over on her blog – I’m not sure which I like more Tuesday or Wednesday.

I hope your week is off to a great start! I’ll be back later this week with some fun posts – including a NEW to Seasons + Salt brand AND, a holiday giveaway!!!

2 thoughts on “the Weekly Rundown: Phone Life vs. Real Life + A Conversation With a Stylist

  1. Your weekly rundowns are so good — I appreciate the care with which you choose your links, and am happy not to leave feeling like I need to BUY…. sharing products is always fun, but sharing ideas is better :)

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