Weekly Rundown |

the Weekly Rundown: Middle School Misfortunes + Going Makeup Free

Seasons and salt blog

Middle School Misfortunes Then and Now, 2008 vs. 2018. I recently shared this article with my husband and my friend Paige because I felt it was frighteningly eye-opening, not only for parents, but for anyone who uses a smart phone.

The contents of this whale’s stomach are a reminder to continue to resist the urge to consume single use plastics.

An excellent case for going makeup free, and examining where our obsessive grooming habits are taking us.

If you have a Dad, husband or brother on your holiday list, this Gift Guide for Him is a great place to start.

For everyone else, head here. This comprehensive, themed list features responsible makers from all over the world.

Or perhaps, you’re ready to shift your perspective on buying presents. My favorite minimalist invites his audience to re-think holiday gift giving.

A few items catching my eye this weekend on the tail end of Small Business Saturday: Scarf Shop’s Wool Cloud scarves look kind of amazing, and they’re 20% off this weekend. The entire Lauren Winter Collection is 25% off. I didn’t order anything, but a pair of the Wide Pants in black linen is on my short list. In case you missed it, these pants have pockets.

I hope your week has been fun-filled and relaxing! You can find me regularly posting again on the blog this week, and back on Instagram soon!

8 thoughts on “the Weekly Rundown: Middle School Misfortunes + Going Makeup Free

    1. She brought up things I hadn’t considered before, so many great perspectives. I definitely don’t want to slide into obsessive grooming.

  1. Such good articles! I particularly enjoyed the articles on going makeup free and minimalist gift-giving. The latter has been on my mind a lot this holiday season, because my family tends to go WAY overboard, and it’s hard to rein in what other people give you!

    1. It really is! I’ve been working hard at ‘grooming’ my kids for a minimal Christmas (in terms of gifts only) this season. I hope it works!

  2. Yeesh, the cell phone article. I feel so fortunate to have come of age before social media exploded in to what it is now – and so fearful for this next generation. I *think* we’re almost to a turning point, though, where the youth (oh my god I can’t believe I’m at the point in my life where I use the term “the youth” un-ironically) are starting to wake back up and reclaim the real world.

    Or at least I hope so.

    Thanks, as always, for the thought-provoking links!

    1. Haha Krystal to the youth reference. I do hope you’re right about coming to a turning point. I worry because phones are so chemically addicting, that many will succumb. Been doing my own cutting back on phone usage lately, and it has left me feeling very refreshed. Thanks for weighing in!

  3. That article is scary – my oldest will be in middle school next year and within limited access, will be allowed a smartphone. I have a lot of trust in him as a person but I am also so scared because this is just a crazy new world and not something I experienced at all during that age. This is a tough new world to navigate. On a better note, I hope you and your family had an awesome Thanksgiving Andrea!

    1. It IS scary. My oldest will be in MS a year after yours. A truly sobering thought. Does the smart phone come from home or the school? It is a tough new world to navigate. Hopefully we can teach them well!
      We did have a nice Thanksgiving. I hope yours was good too!

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