Reviews |

TRY ON: Dark Blue American Denim by Jesse Kamm

I stop short on calling this post a review, because I believe for reviews to be fair, I should own and wear the item(s) before giving my opinions. It’s hard for me to truly evaluate an item after one try on.

But, I promised to share my thoughts on the new Dark Blue American Denim by Jesse Kamm with you guys, so here goes.

I sent them back. I really, really liked the fit (I took my usual Kamm 6), and the comfort of the denim. They are more comfortable to me than the cotton canvas. The drape is gorgeous, and the longer length didn’t even bother me. I even love the contrast stitching all over the pants…. EXCEPT on the backside. It really highlights how much the pants ride up. I don’t mind that they ride up, but it just draws too much attention to my butt. I like the way my butt looks in these pants, but I’m just not a flashy gal. And ‘look at my butt’ feels a little flashy for my comfort. Further, the seam on the pair I bought was a little wonky, which I knew would drive me batty.

I’m pretty bummed. I had high hopes that these would be the denim pants of my dreams. But for $395, I have to be in love with every detail. So back they went.

I’m still a big fan of my other Kamm pants, I have a pair of the cotton canvas in Midnight. I love the Skintone colors, Skintone 6 and Skintone 34. A note on the Skintone 34, I tried them on at a local shop, and the 6 did not fit me. The Jesse Kamm website advises they run small, and I can certainly corroborate that. If you’re thinking about them, you may want to size up. If I were to buy another pair, it would probably be one of the Skintones or the light denim wash. But, these pants are serious investment pieces, so I’m not sure that I’ll add another pair anytime soon.

Do you have a pair of Kamm pants? If so, which color and are they worth the $$$ to you?

38 thoughts on “TRY ON: Dark Blue American Denim by Jesse Kamm

  1. I agree that contrast stitching right up the backside looks…odd. What a shame, because otherwise the pants are gorgeous.

  2. I saw the photo from the front and figured you’d be keeping them. They do fit and flatter! But I agree so much about the back seam. It’s actually “loud”. I don’t think it looks as loud on the light-wash denim you linked to, but I prefer the invisibility on other colors of pants.

    Kamm Pants are so not in my budget right now (they are about the equivalent of a credit card payment for me, and since I’m using that money to actually pay down said credit card… sigh), but I’m happy enough with the Everlane WLCs. I have the bone (am wearing them today) and plan to re-buy the black in 4 when it restocks next month with store credit I have. I’m 5’3, so they hit my ankle about where Kamm Pants hit you. At this point, I’m not hemming…

    1. Lucky you! I wish the Everlane WLC’s were a hit for me. I love them on others, but I need the button fly to help out my problem areas. >< And the length leaves me too chilly on days below 60 degrees!

  3. I recently bought a used pair in cunningham blue and I LOVE them! I agree that the seam up the backside is not great. And this might be weird to say, but I’m glad to hear that Kamm pants ride up on other people. I thought it was just me! I’ve been eyeing the light denim and olive green pairs, but like you, I’m hesitant to make the investment in another pair, especially since I haven’t quite figured out how to bike in them without messing them up. Thanks for sharing your “review!”

    1. Thanks for weighing in Courtney. I am so impressed that you even attempt to bike in them, go you! Can you strap down the pant leg? I remember when I was a kid and my dad used to bike to work, he had a little stretchy ankle strap, and he folded over his work pants, and it held the pant leg on his right leg snug so it didn’t get caught in the chain. (Maybe you’ve tried this.)

      1. Ha! I haven’t actually biked in the Kamms yet. I used to have these *really* attractive neon yellow velcro bands that I used to strap down my pants, but I’ve been wearing skinny pants for so long that I seem to have misplaced them! Once I find them, I try them on the bike. I’ll keep you posted. ;-)

  4. Oh, wow, that seam! They look so good on you, but I would be so uncomfortable with highlighting my butt like that (I already have so much backside that it highlights itself quite enough!). It seems like a navy thread would be a more appropriate color.

  5. Eek that seam! Quite unfortunate that they chose to make the pants that way.
    Oh and I forgot to mention thanks for the shoutout on your weekend post! ❤️

  6. You made the right decision. At that price point (well really, any price point, when buying something brand new), I think you really have to LOVE them. For thrifted items, not so much. Thanks for sharing, I’m sure this will help others who are eyeing the same pair!

  7. I totally agree about the seam. I would never be comfortable with calling that much attention to the middle of my butt. If it were the same color as the denim, I think it would be sooo much better. What a shame as they are gorgeous otherwise.

    1. Right?! That’s the kicker, a terrible spot to highlight. Oh well! Maybe it’s a daring move that some people feel is worth taking.

  8. The denim looks so amazing from the front! It’s also interesting that you think it’s more comfortable than the canvas. Is it softer? The contrast stitching in the back is too much without pockets to balance it out. It’s a shame, they’d be perfect otherwise!

    I do love my black pair, but they often feel too dressy for everyday. I think I’d probably get more use out of a pair of Ranger pants, and not in black. I’d love to see the Ranger in the denims, but the dark one would probably have the same rear stitching issues!

    1. Yes, the cotton is softer and more ‘washed’ feeling. The fabric is absolutely dreamy!! Agreed on the pockets. That’s what makes that seam stand out so much. Maybe they’ll put out an updated version. Or maybe I’m just not daring enough!

  9. Wow. That seam is almost thong-like! I love my Kamms, but I think this might be a miss. Glad you returned them. Your navy pair looks fantastic on you :)

  10. I agree with sending them back. Contrast threading in the back is too much. Yesterday I bought used black Kamm pants. Really hoping the sizing works out! My original choice was Skin tone 34 but with the sizing a little off I decided to stick with a safer choice. I love the kamm pants on you. Hope you find the perfect pair soon!

    1. Thanks Divya! I hope your black ones work out! I know what you mean about the 34, the sizing on that one makes me nervous too!

  11. Andrea, the seam makes you look SO Charlie’s Angels! I love it! Of course, I would think the same thing about comfort. But come on! Those ladies were in their 20s and you pull of the look so well =)

    1. Ah, sheesh, thanks Sheryl, nicest comment ever. ;) I just love the throwback vibe of these pants! Was so happy to see you out of your walking boot today!!

  12. Wow. The shape looks wonderful on you but what on earth were they thinking with the thick wedgie seam?? I’m baffled!

  13. So interesting how differently the denim looks on ones bottom! Appreciate the comments about fit. I usually wear a 28/6, and I am the same size in Everlane as you but found (Olive) Kamm in the 6 was too tight in the waist/ hip and sized up. I ended up thinking the Olive 8 was a little too loose but Skintone 34 in 8 is the perfect fit- not too tight but just right.

      1. Totally agree about the skintone 34 sizing. The black sailors in a size 10 fit me but are quite snug. I couldn’t even pull up the skintone 34 sailors in a 10. The skintone 34 in a 12 fit, but are definitely roomy. It’s like they run a half size small.

  14. Agree with the other reviewers about the butt seam, I think it’s ugly and draws attention to a part of your anatomy you wouldnt want to! However I disagree that they are flattering and a good fit, I don’t think they suit you at all, the wide legs make you look shorter and below the waist with the button fastening isn’t flattering. You were right to send them back!

  15. Definitely agree with the back seam and think I’d like them more without contrast stitching. No Kamms for me, SAHM with a So Cal mortgage, but I love the style and just bought the True Bias Lander Pants sewing pattern to make something similar. Planning a lighter weight fabric for spring and a heavier denim pair later in the year.

    1. Yay! I hope you love your pants! I have another sewing friend who is making her own Kamm style pants too. Sounds like a fun challenge.

  16. Seriously, those jeans are freaking awesome! I love the color, the cut and the fact that they’re pocketless in the back. Good find.

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