Weekly Rundown |

the Weekly Rundown: Clothing as Visual Currency + the Best Rug Shade

Seasons and salt blog

How’s everyone doing? I really don’t know what to say that hasn’t already been said. It’s been one heck of a week. For now, here are some small and lovely distractions.

When Melania Trump and Michelle Obama got together a few days ago, some say their wardrobe sent signals on a subliminal level. Another reminder of just how much our clothes really are visual currency.

I’ve been keeping my eyes peeled for a warm-toned cardigan to add to my closet this winter. Zady just re-released their Chunky Series, and I think the color of this cardigan is beautiful.*  I’m also excited to take a peek at the Elizabeth Suzann knitwear collection, which releases in just a few days (11/16). However, I’m seriously considering knitting a cardigan for one of my three winter additions. My experience doesn’t extend past scarves and hats, so I’m a little nervous to pull the trigger. But I keep coming back to the beautiful texture on this cardigan. Though it seems outside my current skill set, what’s life without a little challenge, right? Plus my mom’s a veteran knitter.

Do you layer your jackets? I’m digging on this look right now. I think it works because of the pop of denim at her wrists.

I’m feeling inspired by another one of Lo’s latest rounds of fall outfits.

Portland is getting a Room & Board. Have you heard of them? Their designs are about as perfect and minimalist as it comes, and the majority of their furniture is manufactured in the US. We’re in ripe “need” of a new couch (can you say, three kids and a dog!). When the time comes, this place will be one of the first I check.

When I think of decor and rug colors, my mind always goes to neutrals. But the folks over at Apartment Therapy swear by this non-neutral shade, calling it the rug color that works pretty much anywhere. You learn something new everyday!

*Use my referral code to save $25.

4 thoughts on “the Weekly Rundown: Clothing as Visual Currency + the Best Rug Shade

  1. That knit cardigan is gorgeous! If I knew someone who could knit I would pay them to make it for me.

  2. Ever since you posted about the hat you made, I’ve been perusing the cardigan section of We are Knitters as well! I’ve never knit anything that isn’t rectangular, but it seems like a fun challenge, and you can only own/gift so many scarves. Let me know if you decide to pull the trigger and we can provide each other with mutual support in our knitting struggles!

    1. Ha! I will Kristy. If I chicken out on the cardigan, I might go for something simpler like a top. I’ll for sure keep y’all posted!

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