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Sotela: Now on Kickstarter

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I’m so pleased to introduce you to a friend I’ve made on this awesome journey of blogging and getting to know people. Her name is one you will remember because  she is making waves in the ethical fashion world.

Hanna Baror-Padilla is the creator of Sotela, a brand new women’s line that is kicking off as we speak. Hanna is passionate about reducing closet-clutter and making it easy to get dressed. Her first line is a set of essential dresses.

Read along with our Q&A to learn how Hanna’s dresses are ‘solving a problem.’

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Hanna, your clothing line is unique among independent designers. What ‘problems’ did you focus on when starting Sotela?

One of Sotela’s core values is providing clothing that will always fit regardless if you gain weight or lose weight because I know first hand how it feels when your clothing doesn’t fit the way you remembered.

I find that most independent designers who are passionate about sustainability focus on the fabrics, how and where it was made. However, one key aspect of sustainability is a garment’s life cycle and if women don’t fit into their clothing after a certain time, that is the end of its life cycle. Yes, it can be thrifted, but we shouldn’t buy clothing with the hopes of donating it once we are done with it because that isn’t very sustainable.

How did you come up with your line and get from concepts to actual designs?

Last year, I had really bad bloating that lasted over 8 months. I couldn’t fit into my regular clothes because they were too tight or uncomfortable. I found myself gravitating towards oversized clothing so that people wouldn’t think I was pregnant. I never felt more insecure. Dealing with those issues spurred the idea of creating clothing for women that spans several sizes to solve an essential problem women face daily.

Once I had the concept, I started designing various pieces. Regardless of what I drew, I always found myself liking dresses more. Dresses that are versatile will always make you feel beautiful. My debut collection consists of three essential dresses that I find are closet staples because you can wear them from day to night.

Your fabric colors are beautiful and the modal of the swing dress is so soft! On your blog you wrote about how you chose eco-friendly fabrics over conventional. What’s the difference between the two and why did you choose the latter?

Thank you! The jersey swing dress is one of the softest most comfortable dresses ever.

I choose to use eco-friendly fabrics because they aren’t produced with harmful chemicals such as pesticides, insecticides, flame retardants and petrochemicals that can cause serious health issues.

We put ourselves at risk everyday with the amount of toxins we are exposed to through our food, beauty products and clothing and we really don’t know how it is affecting us. Why keep risking it without knowing how it will affect us and our children?

The Essential Dresses are made with modal and Tencel, which are easy-to-care-for, eco-friendly fabrics. Modal is made from the pulp of beechwood trees and is sustainable because they propagate on their own without chemicals or planting. Tencel is extracted from natural wood fibers that are sustainably harvested and are produced using a closed loop system. The resources and solvents used to create Tencel are recycled for future use.

Seasons + Salt for Sotela (Andrea)

I love that you’ve chosen to produce your line domestically. What obstacles did you face when coming to this decision?

I knew from the very beginning I wanted to produce in the USA because I believe we can have beautifully made products that don’t compromise people or the environment. I chose to value everyone involved in the manufacturing process by ensuring the factory we work with is treating their employees with respect by maintaining a safe and clean work environment as well as providing legal wages.

I luckily didn’t face too many obstacles when deciding to manufacture domestically. The only challenge is convincing people that paying for American made products is worth the higher cost.

Tell us about your background. What did you do before you embarked on your Sotela journey?

Oh my gosh, where do I begin? Until last week, I was working at my full-time job as a transportation planner. Random, right? I worked for a transportation agency that provided public transportation as well as funded projects to alleviate congestion on the streets and freeways.

While at my job, I started feeling restless. The creativity I wasn’t sure I had was begging to come out, so I did what a lot of women do, started a fashion blog. After several months, I questioned my blog’s purpose and the fashion industry. I googled sustainable fashion and it led me to a vibrant community full of individuals who want to mitigate the negative impacts of the fashion industry by providing ethical or sustainable clothing options. My blog became a hub of sustainable living, which led to me to dreaming of my own sustainable apparel brand!

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What inspires you in your everyday life?

Reading! I don’t think there is anything as inspiring as reading powerful words that make you look inwards. I’ve been very into personal growth and development lately, which has helped me make big life decisions like starting a clothing line and quitting my job!

Where do you hope to see Sotela be five years from now?

I’m so glad you asked this question because it is something I’ve been thinking about. In 5 years, I hope to have my own factory where we produce every Sotela garment in house. I want to be hands-on throughout the whole process from the designs to the sewing. I can’t wait to have a Sotela team working in a factory in Los Angeles so that every garment is made to order.


Thank you Hanna for sharing your story!

The Sotela Kickstarter campaign is now LIVE! Be sure to check out Hanna’s dress designs, including the swing dress I am wearing. You can see her cocoon dress styled by Johanna Tropiano over at Conscious Closets.

We all want the chance to make change in the fashion industry – this is the perfect opportunity!


(For dress sizing reference, I am 5’7″ tall and usually wear a size 6 in clothing.)

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