Fall |

Back to the Grindstone

Well it’s back to the grindstone after so many glorious days off work, school and any sort of regular schedule. That means getting up with the sun, and that is not my strong suit, especially after the lazy holiday days.

But onward and upward. My goal for the month of December is to get up early every single (week)day and exercise before my kids get out of bed. We get the oldest up for school at 7am, so if I want to see a workout I am looking at a 6am rise and shine. EEk! A little frightening for this night owl. In September Kevin and I established a pretty regular workout schedule in the morning by joining an online group called FitByFirst. We were essentially spoon-fed short, doable workouts for 30 days and encouraged to compete against our own times. I felt fantastic and buff by the end of it. It turns out I need the motivation and the next round is starting today. Bring it on December! I can’t think of a better time to start a workout.

I am finally putting together my Winter Capsule. I think I am the only one in bloggerland who hasn’t finished mine yet. I hope to unveil that for you guys by the end of the week including my new additions (some new and some thrifted).

The Outfit:
Cozy flannel (five dollars from Goodwill you guys!) and comfy Cons make the beginning of the week a little more chill. My jeans are Madewell (similar) via Crossroads and my ‘leather’ jacket is totally from a teeny-bopper store.  Hoping to replace it with this one when the stars align.
Fall Capsule-3

May your Tuesday be lovely and your Converse ever dirty.


5 thoughts on “Back to the Grindstone

  1. Love this! You look too cute. And way to go on starting up the workouts again – maybe I can get myself motivated to join you. Except I have to get up at 4:45 to get 30 minutes in. It sure is dark and cold at 4:45?. Can’t wait to see your capsule!

  2. Isn’t the most ethical jacket choice you could make to wear your current jacket until it falls apart?

    One, you already own it, so why buy something else (that has to be manufactured at a cost to the environment) only to get rid of something you already own that looks good on you and serves its purpose?

    Two, your current jacket is WAY more ethical by virtue of being fake leather. I hope that your exploration of ethical fashion involves considering things from animals’ perspectives. Leather comes from animals who would rather be alive rather than our clothing. And animals used in the clothing industry have suffered unimaginable abuse and torture before becoming leather. There are many videos and reports you can read from animal rights groups online if you want proof.

    1. Great points Linda.

      I guess for replacing the jacket I was thinking more stylistically than ethically (though the leather one is from salvaged leather I believe!). Leather wears a lot more comfortably than PU and I like that is more breathable, plus I think it just looks nicer. But in answer to your question, yes the most ethical thing to do at this point is wear the current one out. I see your points about the animals rather being alive, but I also eat meat, though I am pretty selective about the meat I buy (organic/free range). But as you pointed out considering the source of leather (how the animal was raised/treated/slaughtered) is certainly an issue that should be on my radar. Thanks for sharing your info!

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