By now the Black Friday emails are rolling in your inbox. The commercials are flashing across the television advertising early bird specials, door busters and deep discounts.
I understand the importance of Black Friday for retailers and the economy. But Black Friday is what you make of it. As a shopper it can serve you or you can serve it. You can buy what you were already going to buy and get it on sale, or buy a bunch more than you intended because it’s on sale. But that’s not what this post is about.
C’est la vie.
However, my indifference comes to an end when I see Black Friday creeping in to turkey day. I mean, really? Do we need our sales and shopping SO bad that we curtail our holidays to go buy things?
I’ve done it. Was it worth it? Not really. It was crowded and stressful, and I’d rather have been at home in my velour pj’s and cozy slippers.
Here is my proposal for you: 9 lovely things to do instead:
1) Go for a walk. This is the classic post-meal move. It gets your blood flowing and makes you feel a little less guilty for that extra piece of pie. Plus, I love how walks often lend themselves to great conversation.
2) Make something. Start early on the homemade Christmas ornaments or homemade gifts. Have a new knitting pattern at the ready. Or start a batch of your family’s favorite glögg to bottle up for holiday gifts.
3) Learn a new card game. Some of my fondest childhood memories are of sitting around playing card games with my grandparents and extended family. My favorites include: Up the River, Golf and Spoons. Bicycle Cards has a handy app that makes learning new games a cinche.
4) YouTube karaoke. You know you want to do this. Especially if you had a few glasses of wine with dinner.
5) Go to a movie. This is definitely on my holiday to-do list. It’s a toss up between the latest Bond movie and the final Hunger Games installment.
6) Connect with the kids. This seems like it should be an obvious one, but for me it’s not. The best moments I have with my kids come from being intentional. When we get together with extended family it’s really easy to get sucked into all the adult conversations and ignore the kids. There is definitely a time and a place for that, but I also cherish the idea of connecting with my kids. This is particularly special with my daughters who are 6 and 4, about the age where they can play through a game of Uno, or bond while reading a good chapter book.
7) Put your smart phone away. After the last dessert has been eaten and all you want to do is veg out on your smart phone, resist the urge! The more you give in to it the more you want to do it. Instead, go plug it into the wall and pretend it’s a land line. Next, dig out your coziest sweatpants and your box of Settlers of Catan. Gather round your favorite folks, find some more wine and unwind.
8) Make a turkey sandwich. After your game playing/karaoke/movie you are sure to have worked up an appetite. Don’t forget the cranberries.
9) Cozy up with a good book. Reading is hands-down my #1 favorite way to relax and recharge. There is something so wonderful about getting lost in another world. Even non-fiction can be relaxing. I am pretty sure learning, exploring and growing through reading releases something in my bloodstream that lowers my blood pressure and elevates my endorphins.
Great post and great ideas! I’m really hoping we can get a good family game of Pictionary going tomorrow evening (pending all children cooperating)! Have a Happy Thanksgiving, friend!
Great ideas!! One of my fondest memories with my family is after Thanksgiving dinner walks! I’m going to miss it this year since I am celebrating with just my husband, son and an acquaintance. Thankful for you, Andrea and the inspiration you blog brings. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! Enjoy the day!
Thank you so much Rebecca!! Thanks for being a part of my blog ‘community.’ It really makes my time spent blogging worth it! Hope you guys had a nice, relaxing Thanksgiving!
These are great ideas, especially the Youtube Karaoke :) I want to sing this song in karaoke:
Um, wow, I have no words!