Weekly Rundown |

the Weekly Rundown 11.22.15

Seasons and salt blog

Who has time to give themselves a manicure? Not me. But if I did, this is what I’d be doing.

Speaking of getting fancy, what are you wearing for the holidays? I love this look, even though ruffles aren’t normally my thing.

I made this Lemon Chicken with Butternut Squash recipe for dinner this week. In the fall, while everyone is all about the pumpkin, I am all about the butternut squash. Any recipe that has it seems to call my name. The lemon is the key ingredient here, it was so good we practically licked the pan.

You may want to make sure you’ve had your coffee before you view these next links…

It’s alarming to contemplate these 7 Reasons You Should Hate Fast Fashion, but it’s a good reminder that we should make our clothing purchases count, chose wisely and wear them well (and often). Be sure to watch the John Oliver video at the end if you haven’t seen it yet.

And finally, I saved the best for last. Did you know there’s a reality show that takes top Norwegian bloggers and sends them to the sweatshops that make the clothes they wear? I watched the first episode and it’s fascinating! If something like this aired in the States I think a lot of people would finally start paying attention to what’s going on in the clothing industry.

3 thoughts on “the Weekly Rundown 11.22.15

  1. Hi – First comment, but have been enjoying your blog for a while :)
    About the show from Norway, I am sad to say that I don’t think it changed much. We had similar one in Denmark, and the Norwegian show was aired on Danish TV as well, and it doesn’t feel like it had an impact… Which makes me super sad though :(

    1. Hi Johanne!! What a great blog you have, I just perused it for a bit, I am honored to have you here! That is really interesting that the show did not make much of an impact on the public. :( I think honestly, it all comes down to money. I think everyone thinks they should be able to buy clothes for cheap. :/ And they don’t seem to care what it took to get it to that price. I used to be that way. :/

      1. Thanks for the compliments :)
        Yeah I agree with you, and I myself were there. But if we just continue to share the word, hopefully slow change will happen.

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