Hi friends and happy weekend! A mishmash of things have been on my mind this week from serious to not-so-serious….
My Escape From the 81st Floor of the World Trade Center. As I posted on Instagram yesterday, the attack on the World Trade Centers in 2001 was personal for me. I wasn’t there, but used to live close to them. I have since been back a few times and toured the site (first time in 2007 when they were still cleaning up, second time in 2011 when the new building was almost complete). I also took a chilling tour of the memorial site lead by family members of those who were killed or injured in the attack. Reading this compelling narrative is almost as intense as visiting the memorial in person. I encourage you to take a few minutes and read it. And remember. Never forget.
Bright and Airy Brooklyn Home. Now that you’re ready to come up for air after reading the last article, this is a gorgeous home tour featuring a modern renovation at its best. I was particularly drawn to this tour because it’s the house of Jessie Randall of Loeffler Randall.
Lets Beat the 50-percent, 6 Questions for Marriage. Sometimes marriage is easy, sometimes it is hard. One thing I have learned in 8.5 years of marriage is that if you want to enjoy it, you have to be intentional about making it good. I love the intent behind these questions: to communicate and love better. Who doesn’t need that in their marriage?
7 Creative Ideas for a Fun Date Night at Home. Speaking of making marriage fun… I LOVE the YouTube karaoke idea. Seriously, in another life, I should have been a singer. And I love #3, every once in a great while my husband I will make dinner together after the kids are in bed, and it is incredibly relaxing, and fun.
Movies… seen any good ones lately? We watched Aloha the other night and it was… disjointed and a little weird. With the all-star cast I was hoping for more, but pretty sure it wouldn’t be that great considering how little of time it spent in the theaters.
And that’s all she wrote! Hope your weekend is full of vibrant living. <3
I felt the same way about Aloha… so disappointing! I watched The Age of Adaline with my husband this weekend, and we both thoroughly enjoyed it. :)
We so often go for the classics so we don’t feel like we’re wasting our time… I mean you can’t go wrong with Singin’ in the Rain, While You Were Sleeping, or You’ve Got Mail!
Oo, I had been kind of curious about the Age of Adaline. Oh man, While You Were Sleeping and You’ve Got Mail, I don’t think I’ve seen those since they came out! Talk about ages!!! Now if only I can talk my husband into watching with me! :)