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Fall… and flattering..?

Let’s talk about fall! It really feels like fall now because my daughter started school yesterday. We are back to 6:30 am wake ups (school starts at 8 am!), back to packing daily lunches,and back to quieter day times.

I was going to review my summer capsule for you guys, but it has been pretty successful –  there were just a few items I parted with early and a couple of barely worn shoes. Plus, I think we are all ready to move forward to fall clothing!

With cooler mornings, I have been pulling out a few of my favorites from last fall, including this oversized flannel shirt. I don’t know what it is, but in the last few years I keep gravitating toward large tops like this. The proportions of flowy on top and snug on bottom are almost always a home run for me. I feel pulled together and relaxed all at once. A top with this kind of volume does make for an interesting combination with shorts.

[flannel, last season Urban Outfitters, similar, similar / cut offs, AG denim / tank, Everlane / sandals, Everlane / bag Madewell, new! ethically made alternative by FashionABLE!! / new favorite everyday lipstick, Nars Anita]

I started to worry that this shirt made my shoulders look too square/wide, but then I remembered this blog post I read a few months about why you shouldn’t dress to “flatter” your body type. I am not entirely on board with the idea, but the general concept does resonate a bit. (I’d do a poor paraphrase, so I’ll let you read it.) It’s a good reminder to me that, ultimately, I dress for myself (and maybe sometimes for my husband), and I need to keep that in mind and not feel pressured to look a certain way because society says that’s what’s attractive. At the end of the day, I want to look good (according this beholder’s eyes) and feel good. Feeling good in my clothes is absolutely imperative. That’s why you won’t often find me in high, pointy heels. But a thick, soft flannel shirt, THAT feels good.


PS – If you’re buying a flannel shirt this fall, by golly, make sure it’s made from cotton and actually flannel! I am seeing a lot of shirts parading as flannel but actually listed as poly or rayon, which does not sound cozy!

3 thoughts on “Fall… and flattering..?

  1. I knew immediately which post you’d linked to – such a thought-provoking read! I’ve tried to bear it in mind as I’ve grappled with what to wear to look AND feel good on the hottest summer days. Also? Love the flannel! (And so jealous you can

    1. Such a great read, huh? I think there is a definitely balance, but I find my mind considering her viewpoint all the time. It’s a bit of a relief to remember that we really only have to please ourselves in that department.

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