Beauty |

Seeking Value

AHP_3839 copy AHP_3874 copy[dress (similar) / boyfriend sweatshirt, Everlane (similar) / booties, Aldo / bracelets, Madewell, Bauble Bar (similar) / bag, Madewell (all time fav!)]

I could write a post about this outfit, but I am pretty sure you wouldn’t be paying attention because you can’t take your eyes off my cute little sidekick. Neither can I. He’s the only male that rivals my love and affection for my husband. Seriously, how cute is he? This is what happens when I take blog photos while the kids are awake…

I’ve been thinking a lot about how what we wear can define us. In her book Stacy London calls style ‘visual currency,’ something we all speak, whether we like it or not. I think it’s good to be aware of this, so we can make sure we are clearly communicating what we desire to.

But something else I have been pondering is: whether my ‘value’ is tied to the caliber of my clothes. Do I desire to impress with a certain level of polish or expensive items? Do I fit in because I look like the other moms on the playground? Did I earn my spot at this cool coffee shop because of the holes in my jeans?

I’ve decided I want to speak the style language fluently and clearly in my life, but I need to be careful to make sure what’s on my body is not where I’m seeking to find my value. My value comes in the strength of what my hands do for the ones I love. It comes in the moments when I am present in the eyes of the ones I love. It comes when I do what I was created to do.

Where do you seek your value?

2 thoughts on “Seeking Value

  1. “I’ve decided I want to speak the style language fluently and clearly in my life, but I need to be careful to make sure what’s on my body is not where I’m seeking to find my value. My value comes in the strength of what my hands do for the ones I love. It comes in the moments when I am present in the eyes of the ones I love. It comes when I do what I was created to do.”

    LOVE THIS, so well put. Thank you for the very important reminder.

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