Fall |

Working on Fall Goals


I really liked the outfit I wore yesterday, so I popped outside to do a little real-time outfit documentation. (If I thought photos out in public is embarrassing, taking them out in public near my neighbors is down right mortifying!) I wore this all day, and was again, really pleased with my tights and dress combo.

Goals For Fall

One of my goals for fall is to not succumb to the jeans-everyday rut, and instead utilize the nice stash of dresses I’ve built over the last year. I am definitely a fare-weather fan when it comes to anything besides pants, I don’t like to be cold. But I am quickly learning that tights can be one of the toastiest items in my closet. The last time I wore a dress I was warm and comfortable, and this time I upgraded to wool tights, and let’s just say, there were no cold bones in the house. Granted, the day was a bit on the warmer side, but I could still tell how wool on my legs really elevated my body temperature.

Other Goals

Since I’m doing so well at my sartorial goals this fall, it seems like a good time to set some simplifying goals for myself. As I mentioned on Friday, life feels so full and busy right now. I am sure that has something to do with having three young kids, but there has got to be a way to slow it down. I don’t want to wake up one day and ask myself where the last 10 years went.

I plan to spend some time this fall examining what I’m doing with the ‘margins’ in my time. When I have a few minutes before I need to make lunch, or head to pick up, what am I doing? Am I mindlessly surfing the web? Or is there something I could be taking off my plate for later in the day, like dinner prep. Or, better yet, could I be spending that time tuning in to my kids. Maybe an extra conversation about how school went, or more attention given to a long-winded story, or face-to-face time over some Lego-builds. I want to make sure my time in the margins is well-spent. Perhaps there is room to simplify.


Outfit Details:

| Dress, Brass (mine’s from last year, they have an updated version for this year. | Cardigan, old (love this ‘coatigan’ option) (similar in organic cotton and alpaca) (wool option, size down) | Confetti tights (look closely, you can see it!) | Boots | Tote, c/o FashionABLE |Necklace, birthday gift from husband |

Cheers to a great week!

13 thoughts on “Working on Fall Goals

  1. This look is adorable! I’ve been thinking about you, I just finished reading “Present over Perfect” by Shauna Niequist and really enjoyed it. Some of the things she writes about reminded me of you, and the desire to make life more simple. Thank you for writing, I always enjoy reading your words😘

    1. Oh Rachel, I miss everything about you! I wish we lived closer to each other. I bought another book by Shauna Niequist, “Savor,” and didn’t love it, but I have heard great things about “Present over Perfect.” Since you’re recommending it, I’ll officially add it to my list!

      1. Love you! It’s definitely an easy read and just had some good reminders of what to hold onto in life and what isn’t that important :) I haven’t read anything else of hers. I hope you’re having a good week! Waiting for this baby of ours to come😬

  2. I LOVE this look…the layers, the tones, and stretching your wardrobe between multiple seasons. Interesting idea about the ‘margin’ time. That is definitely not something I’ve considered before. I’m going to be more mindful of it and see what I’m using it for and if there’s a better way I could spend those moments.

    1. Thanks so much girl! That means a lot. Glad you like it. Great minds!

      Yes! I found myself being a lot more mindful of my margins time today, and I hope I can keep it up. Keep me posted on how you are doing!

  3. I used my tripod to take some photos on my raised porch recently and felt so self-conscious – and I don’t even know most of my neighbors! Love this outfit, it’s totally something I’d wear.

    I agree about those extra minutes. I was facing the struggle this weekend of just wanting to relax, and not spend my weekend working on my blog. I’m still trying to find the balance. If you haven’t read The Fringe Hours, I really recommend it for a little wisdom on filling that extra time. I read it last winter and it really motivated me!

    1. Hi Stacy!

      I actually thought about that book when I was writing this post! I read part of it, and I was thinking about how she was writing thank you notes in her margins.

      That’s too funny about your photos! So glad I’m not the only one. It definitely takes balls to shoot photos out in public, and I think it’s even more awkward with a tripod, ha!

  4. Love, love, LOVE this. It looks effortless and comfortable. I also love your honesty with your goals and I love that you talk about more than just the clothes :)

  5. I have a very minimalist wardrobe…and have actually been trying to wear MORE items this past while, reaching beyond my three or so familiar pairings.

    Thank you for added inspiration – both in expanding beyond familiar clothing…and exploring what happens in the “margins” of my time. This is indeed a place I feel pulled toward simplifying and feel it’s gotten a bit scattered and sloppy as of late.

    1. Here, here Dana! I have a lot of work to do on my “margins” but it feels good to simplify. I read something earlier today about how it’s hard to be creative when you’re staring at your phone, what a great point! Good luck in your journey.

  6. Love this – so cozy and cute!n I really need to wear my dresses more in the fall…I tend to default to jeans and a sweater too.

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